Peter Denying Jesus
Peter Denied Jesus 3 Times
Christianity Oasis provides you with this Peter Denying Jesus journey seeking the reason why Peter denied Jesus 3 times. We also look into all aspects of the prophecy, birth, life, death, resurrection, promises and return of our Lord Jesus.
Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Bible Study Program
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis ... Tell Me the Story of Jesus exploration presenting you with hundreds of deLIGHTful Christian Walk Studies designed to enhance your YOU-nique Christian walk while making you aware of the many potential pitfalls that one oft times encounters as they travel along this blessed Christian path with Eternal life as the reward. We also share our End Times Bible studies which look into the prophecies and signs of the coming End Times.
This is our heartbreaking and tear jerking Peter denying Jesus trek for truth taking an in-depth look into the reason why Peter denied Jesus 3 times which changed him within forever and afterward changed the world forever as Peter became the Christian Church foundation. The absolutely awesome and extremely intriguing message within this why Peter denied Jesus exploration will bring tears and then understanding followed by an authentic peace within when you comprehend the true reason why Peter denied Jesus 3 times. Let us begin our Why did Peter deny Jesus Spiritual investigation shall we?
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Peter Denying Jesus Heart Breaker
Reason Why Peter Denied Jesus 3 Times Story
The events that are about to happen next are known as the Passion of Christ. What is the Passion? Well, the Passion is a term used to describe the sufferings of Christ between the Last Supper and His death. This is where we will begin today. We will pick up where Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane where they camped for the evening. Jesus had three of the disciples join him while He prayed (Peter, James, and John) However, they would repeatedly fall asleep when they were supposed to be praying with Jesus, despite the anguish that Jesus was experiencing as He prayed about the coming events that He knew were about to start.
Then Jesus, knowing the future, said to Peter, James and John ... "Get up, the one who betrays me is near" and while He spoke, one of His 12 disciples whose name was Judas, came there with a crowd of officers (Sent by the chief priests and Pharisees) carrying lanterns, torches, swords and spears seeking to arrest Jesus and His followers. Judas had ratted out the Lord.
Judas had told the officers beforehand, that the one that he (Judas) went up to and greeted with a kiss would be Jesus, and said He is the one you want. As Judas went ahead of the officers and came near to the Jesus encampment, Jesus said ... Judas, you betray the Son of man with a kiss? Jesus had predicted this earlier:
Matthew 26:23-25
23 And He answered and said, He that
dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.
24 The Son of man goeth as it is written of Him: but woe
unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good
for that man if he had not been born.
25 Then Judas, which betrayed Him, answered and said,
Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said.
Peter Denying Jesus Purpose
Reason Why Peter Denied Jesus 3 Times Woe
So, He stepped forward and said to the officers, "Who are you looking for"? Jesus of Nazareth, they said. "I am He", Jesus replied, and as soon as He said it, they fell backward to the ground. He asked them again, "Who are you looking for"? And they said again, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said, "I've told you that I am He. If you're looking for me, then let the others go their way".
When the disciples saw what was about to happen, they asked, Lord, should we fight with the sword? Then Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of Malchus, the servant of the high priest. Jesus touched Malchus' ear and healed him. Then He said to Peter, Put your sword into it's place. Those who take the sword, will die by the sword. Do you think that I can't right now pray to my Father, and He will immediately give me more than twelve legions of Angels? But then how would the Scriptures be fulfilled? It must be this way. (This was prophecy written in Isaiah 53:7.) The cup that my Father has given me, should I not drink it?
Another little tidbit to remember as we learn about Peter Denying Jesus and the seemingly unfathomable reason why Peter denied Jesus is to never forget that Jesus had the choice to lay down His life for our sins. He could of stopped the whole thing a any time and brought an army of angels to deal with what He was dealing with. We now have the choice to believe and love Him for choosing to do so. That is unconditional Love. Let's get back to the story;
Then Jesus said to the officers ... "Have you come out as if I were a thief, with swords and spears to take me? I sat every day with you, teaching in the Temple and you didn't lay a hand on me, but this is your hour, and the power of darkness" ... All this was done to fulfill the Scriptures of the prophets concerning their prophecies of the coming Messiah and how He would suffer. Then all the Apostles forsook Jesus and fled, just as He said they would.
They took Jesus and tied Him, and struck Him repeatedly. When they blindfolded Him, they struck Him on the face, and asked Him, mocking, Prophecy, and tell us which one of us it was that hit you? They spoke many blasphemies against Him and then led Him to Annas, the father-in-law to Caiaphas, the high priest. With Annas, all the chief priests, the elders and the scribes were assembled (all the wanna be religious leaders of Israel).
When Jesus was taken before the ones who sent the officers, Caiaphas (One of those aforementioned religious leaders at that time) was the one who advised the Jewish counsel that it was advantageous for one man (Referring to Jesus) to die to stop the ongoing chaos created by the presence of Jesus, than for the Jewish people to suffer the wrath of the Roman empire who ruled over them at the time.
Another of these Jewish leaders named Annas asked Jesus about His disciples and His doctrine. Jesus answered, I have spoken openly to the world. I always taught in the synagogue, and in the Temple, where the Jewish people always go. I've said nothing in secret. Why ask me? Ask those who heard me, what I said to them, they know what I said. One of the officers struck Jesus with the palm of his hand saying, You dare answer the high priest in such a manner? Jesus said, If I've spoken evil, testify of the evil, but if I've spoken Truth, why do you hit me?
Peter Denying Jesus Time
Peter Denied Jesus 3 Times Event
In the meanwhile, Peter and John had followed at a distance to the palace of the high priest. John was an acquaintance of the high priest so he was allowed into the court with Jesus, while Peter stayed outside. John came out and spoke to the woman who kept the door and brought Peter in. She said to Peter, Aren't you one of this man's disciples too? Peter said, I don't know what you're talking about. This was the first instance of Peter denying Jesus. It was cold, so the servants and officers kindled a fire in the middle of the hall and Peter sat among them and warmed himself by the fire.
Back to the CON-demnation of Jesus by the Jewish Leaders ... Now, Annas sent Jesus over to the council of the elders of the people, the chief priests and the scribes. They searched for evidence against Jesus to put Him to death, but couldn't find any. Many people told lies about Him but their stories didn't match or agree with one another. They spoke against Him saying, We heard Him say, I'll destroy this Temple made with hands, and within three days I'll build another made without hands. (Now obviously Jesus was referring to His own Temple, His body, and He would restore His Temple within 3 days when He resurrected.)
Caiaphas stood up and said to Jesus, Don't you have anything to say about what these people testify about you? But Jesus remained silent. Caiaphas said, I command you by the living God, that you tell us whether you are the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus said, If I tell you, you won't believe (John 10:35-36), and if I also ask you, you won't answer me or let me go. Nevertheless I tell you, hereafter you will see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of Heaven. Then they all asked, Are you then, the Son of God? He said to them, You say that I am.
Caiaphas tore his clothes saying, He's spoken blasphemy! What further need do we have of witnesses? You've heard it from His own mouth! What do you think? They all condemned Him to be guilty of death. They spit in His face and buffeted Him. Others hit Him with the palms of their hands.
Here comes Peter denying Jesus again and we are starting to see the reason why Peter denied Jesus, though some may be saying; "I would not have denied Jesus". Heyyyyyyy, that is what Peter said too. I suppose you had to be there. As Peter sat by the fire in the palace, wondering what would become of Jesus ... One of the maids of the high priest saw him and looked carefully at him. She said, You were with Jesus of Nazareth too. Peter promised in front of everyone, Woman, I don't know the man. This was the second instance of Peter denying Jesus.
After a while, Malchus, who's ear Peter cut off, came up to Peter with others that stood by when Jesus was arrested, and said, Didn't I see you in the garden with Him? Surely you're one of them, your accent gives you away. Peter began to curse and swear, saying, Man, I am not! This was the third instance of Peter denying Jesus. And while Peter was still speaking ... The rooster crowed. Jesus turned and looked at Peter, and Peter remembered the prediction of Jesus and how He said to him, Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times. In confusion and anguish, Peter went out and wept bitterly for what he had done. In essence ... Repenting for it.
Peter Denying Jesus Terror
Reason Why Peter Denied Jesus CON-fusion
Imagine what a nightmare this was for Peter. Earlier that evening he was assuring, promising, even insisting to the point of anger that he would never deny his Lord, and would even die for Jesus. Now just a few short hours later, he just as adamantly proclaims to have never known Jesus. Then he hears the rooster crow and he comes to his senses and his whole world has crashed in on him in three denials. Just as Jesus had predicted.
Matthew 26:34
Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice.
All of Jesus' Apostles abandoned Him. They cowardly ran away when Jesus was arrested, none of them volunteering to testify on His behalf. But, remember Jesus told the men that came to get Him to let them go. So even the Apostles were unknowingly fulfilling scripture.
Zechariah 13:7
Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.
God is in Control
Peter Denying Jesus was something most would have done in that situation. We have seen some other negative character traits among the Apostles as well, including fear, doubt, pride, and jealousy. They were a lot like ... You and I. And as you just learned, they also knew regret and repentance.
Despite why Peter denied Jesus, it is clear in the Bible that Peter is still the rock that Jesus said that He would build His Church (Christianity) upon. But, as you just learned once again, God had a purpose for Peter too. Had he rushed in to Jesus' rescue and did anything different than he did, Scripture Prophecy wouldn't have been fulfilled and the Hope for Salvation would be lost.
Peter Denying Jesus Summary
Reason Why Peter Denied Jesus is Fear
Jesus suffered utterly undeniable humiliation and suffering. He was innocently accused of blasphemy and now He faces death. A horrible death that most cannot even imagine without trembling. And yet, you will soon see that He will continue to endure ... For you.
In conclusion ... Our Peter Denying Jesus journey questioning exactly why did Peter deny Jesus has explained very well, the reason why Peter denied Jesus. It was fear, doubt and CON-fusion over what he was experiencing, when in reality, God was in control all along. Just as it happens with every Christian at some time or another.
All these things that happened to Jesus was God's prophetic plan and everything needed to happen just as it did in order to bring us Salvation by Jesus taking our sins upon Himself and being brutally punished for it. The Blood of Jesus was needed to restore our REAL-ationship with God and to cleanse us our sins.
Therefore, Peter denying Jesus was also intended to occur as to enhance His faith. In the end as Peter is the foundation of the Church and that ... Is why Peter denied Jesus. If you think about it, this happens to us all from time to time. We seem to become blinded when another emotion overtakes us such as fear, anger, lust, greed, etc. This Why did Peter deny Jesus moral is a great lesson for Christians today.
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Reason Why Peter Denied Jesus 3 Times
Peter Denying Jesus Resources
Bible Verse Study ... Peter Denies Jesus Three Times - Why And How? So why did Peter stay and deny Jesus three times? In his own way, Peter was trying to be protective of - to 'look out' for - Jesus. ... Why Did Peter Deny Jesus after Everything? One could argue that while Peter denied Jesus, he also placed himself in a position physically close to Jesus' trial to be near Him in some way.
Got Questions ... What was the reason behind Peter's denial of Jesus? There were two main reasons why Peter denied Jesus: weakness and fear. Peter's denial was based partially on weakness.
Holy Spirit ... Why did Peter deny Jesus? Peter Denying Jesus was a very confusing time for he, the other Apostles and even Christians today. They want to better understand the reason why Peter denied Jesus 3 times. The Holy Spirit can help you bring true peace within on the matter. The Holy Spirit will give you the Spiritual essence of why Peter denying Jesus occurred. ... Peter Denies Jesus | Children's Bible Lessons - Peter Denies Jesus ... When Jesus was with his apostles in the upper room, he said to them: 'All of you will abandon me tonight.' Peter said: 'Not I!'
Ligonier Ministries ... Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial - Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial ... "Peter said to him, 'Even if I must die with you, I will not deny you!' And all the disciples said the same.
NeverThirsty ... Why did Peter deny Jesus before the rooster crowed. Why did Peter deny Jesus? He was afraid and did not want to die because of His relationship with Jesus.
Quora ... How did Peter obtain forgiveness for denying Jesus? But just as Jesus prophesied, Peter denied knowing Jesus and denied being one of Jesus' apostles. This doesn't mean that Peter wasn't saved.
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