Teenage Counseling
Free Teen Counseling
Christianity Oasis has provided you with this Christian Teenage Counseling Services program with 100% Free Teen Counseling to bring the lost and hurting soul, true healing and peace within.
Christianity Oasis Teenage Counseling
Christian Teenage Counseling Services
Free Teen Counseling
Welcome to our deLIGHTful and absolutely awesome Christianity Oasis Christian Teenage Counseling Services with absolutely awesome Free Teen Counseling. The truth within this program will bring a smile to the lips and heart. The Christian Teenage Counseling messages within, will truly will enLIGHTen your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk path.
If you are adult, check out our adult counseling program:
The Beginning
Stepping Stone #1
This Christian Teenage counseling services path with free teen counseling was designed specifically for our teenage members and guests as well as parents who seek free teenage counseling support to assist in managing the relationship between the teen and the parent(s).
Our free teen counseling services philosophy is simple.

If our Lord can calm the raging sea ...
Imagine what He can do for your soul!
This Teenage counseling service is absolutely 100% free. And speaking of free ...
The Truth Will Set You Free
So ... Let's Talk Truth
Ask yourself this question ... Why would this person want to help me? The answer, my new friend is ... Because God asked me to and I owe Him. C'mon ... Give me a chance.
It doesn't matter if you're a Christian or not. It doesn't matter how many others have been unsuccessful at helping you. It doesn't matter how long the problem has existed. It doesn't even matter what the problem is. What does matter is ... Are you ready for the problem to disappear?
If you've decided to take a leap of Faith ... Understand this Truth.
Neither you nor I can do this alone. But, according to the Bible ... We can do it together:
Matthew 18:19-20
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall
agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask,
it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am I in the midst of them.
So, let's see if we understand this correctly. Jesus promised ... If you and I agree, we can ask anything in His name, and it will be done.
It sounds like a miracle, doesn't it?
What have you got to lose,
except for your problems?
The free Teen Counseling procedure is simple.
To begin ... Enter with an open mind and heart. Put all your cares aside for a little while and let's become ... Friends
Within this ChriStian Teenage Counseling Services Program, we need to establish trust between you and I for the free teen counseling path to work. As you know, the foundation of friendship is based on Truth, which builds trust.
Our relationship requires a good foundation based on trust to withstand the trials and tribulations that we will encounter and endure together on this spiritual journey. So I will be sharing a lot of Truth with you.
One thing about Truth ... It's not always what people want to hear, but a true friend knows that even though the Truth may hurt sometimes, it's the only choice if you want a strong friendship.
Proverbs 27:6
Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
In other words, a true friend will always tell the Truth, even though it may hurt. Lies and pity (kisses) may make you feel better, but they will hurt worse than the Truth did in the end.
The first Truth that I will share with you as your new friend is that you must possess Faith.
Faith Can Move Mountains
Matthew 17:20
Verily I say unto you, if ye have Faith as a grain of mustard seed, (Super small seed) ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
Think about what Jesus just promised you for a sec ...
If you have faith you can move mountains!
Faith ... Means to Believe something with all your mind and heart.
Christian Teenage Counseling Services With Free Teen Counseling
Sooooooo, Jesus is saying that if we believe, we can make anything happen.
Did you know that you are performing this method now? Think about it. You believe you have a problem and ... It is. Things just appear to keep getting worse and worse. That is because you believe it will.
So, in reality ... The power of the Promise of Jesus is working in your life. You are just believing in what you do not want instead of believing in what you want.
Belief is like a flowing river ... It matters not what you throw into the river ... The flowing river is bringing your beliefs to life. Whether your beliefs are good, bad, happy or sad ... They will come to life with ... Belief.
So ... We only need to change your beliefs.
But, how do we obtain such Faith when we are caught up in a worldly whirlwind and have so many problems to deal with?
We must start afresh ... Become spiritually reborn if you will.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
This amazing 14 day free teenage Counseling services program that we are about to explore will reach within you and bring forth the faith that is hidden within. When you were a little child, you possessed this awesome gift known as faith.
It is yours!
It can't leave you. Nobody can rob you of it. It can, however, be hidden deep within, by you and only you, due to past experiences which resulted in doubt, fear, pride and pain.
Yes, we may have to appear to be tough in this world, but we do feel pain within and it ... Hurts.
This pain causes us to create our own spiritual walls. A castle if you will, that we create around us to protect ourselves from ever feeling the pain from past experiences again.
This self defense system within us causes us to feel lonely and all of the negative beliefs begin to create our environment and as Jesus said ... Mountains are moved. The problem is ... These mountains (problems) are being dropped on us ... By us.
Our task is not to tear down the walls of your spiritual castle but rather to find a more effective way of dealing with the problem within by exposing it to the light of Truth ...
So that Truth ... Can set you free.
Within this Christian Teenage Counseling Services Program with free teen counseling ... There are fourteen steps. You must choose to follow each of the teenage counseling fourteen steps, one step each day for the miracle to work.
If you're sincere about becoming free from your burden, you must choose not to miss one day from these teenage counseling steps. During the 14 day teenage counseling adventure, you will begin to feel the change within and as the days pass, you will be able to overcome the problem.
You will begin to sense your spirit within you soaring like you never knew it could. You will learn how to obtain and maintain Faith. You will establish hope like you have never imagined possible.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Now, I realize that it's difficult and may even seem impossible to obtain and maintain faith at this time, but I promise you that if you'll follow the steps of this program, you will obtain and maintain the faith necessary to overcome your problem and this will enable Jesus to keep the promise that He made to us ...
Matthew 18:19-20
19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall
agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask,
it shall be done for them of my Father which is in Heaven.
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my
name, there am I in the midst of them.
This Christian Teenage Counseling Services with free teen counseling will help you kick your problems to the curb by simply following the path.
Problems have a way of keeping us from being ourselves. The Lord wants the real you back again, because when you're not yourself, you drift away from Him too. He died on the Cross for you, so why is it so hard to believe that He would do anything to have His child back? It really isn't that hard for Christians to imagine God forgiving us.
The hard part is ... It is hard for us to forgive ourselves.
This free Teenage Counseling Spiritual Path of Truth will lead you back to your Heavenly Father. It doesn't matter if you have a tiny little problem that a spiritual band aid could fix, or a huge, colossal problem that only God could understand the complexity of. Jesus isn't selective about which problems He will heal. He said clearly:
Anything that they shall ask ... It shall be done for them.
My new friend, again, I must remind you that you must choose to follow each step of the path for the miracle to work.
As we sojourn along this free teenage counseling services Path, there will be times when you feel so spirited and energized that you will become very enthusiastic and believe that you are ready to move on to the next step before it is time, but you must choose to perform this procedure as it has been presented for the entire 14 days.
Please don't rob yourself of this awesome opportunity to see a true eternal miracle, by cheating yourself and going on ahead of schedule. To do so would only bring temporal comfort.
Each Step only takes about 15-30 minutes a day, but don't let the brevity of the procedure deceive you. It is the power of Truth shared with us from Jesus and those who have walked the Christian path before us.
I know it'll be hard to resist going on to the next step once you begin, but if your "cup runneth over" where does all that Truth go, that doesn't fit into the cup? You should only digest so much at a time, and that way, nothing is wasted and you get the benefits of every ounce of Truth. If you take it slow, all that you will be learning will have a chance to absorb into your mind and your spirit will react when you take each step one day at a time to complete this program.
Taking in too much at one time, you run the risk of forgetting some of it and not allowing the natural instincts and habits to establish these new Beliefs.
Another benefit of taking one step at a time is that it naturally makes you want to return each day, because it's truly a very exciting program.
In short my friend ... It is like medicine that should be taken only as prescribed, this Spiritual Medicine needs to be taken in the prescribed doses as to heal your soul.
If you choose to do so ... It will change you from within.
Mutual Respect
You'll be learning a lot of new words as we take this journey together. I'll be talking to you like an adult, because I think it's important that we have mutual respect for one another. Many of the words you read may not be in your vocabulary yet but they are about to be ... IF you choose for them to be. If there's a word that you don't understand, I trust you'll look it up in the dictionary. Misunderstanding one word can sometimes make a huge difference in understanding everything after it.
Christian Teenage Counseling Services
Free Teen Counseling
Prepare to experience the powerful Grace of God!
God's Grace
We all make mistakes. We fall. Sin gets in our way. Temptation surrounds us and we don't always resist. But that is exactly why God sent His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and to give us the Free gift of Grace!
He wants you to ask forgiveness and keep fighting the good fight of faith. When you find yourself struggling with feelings of failure, unworthiness, fear, weakness or shame, just remember that God loves you so very much and He wants you to get back up when you stumble.
Persevere! Never Give Up!
If you have a bad day, this study will help you understand more about the liberating Grace that our Father wants each and every one of us to enjoy.
Each day you will find a free Christian therapy path filled with awesome little tidbits of truth and at the end of each free Christian counseling page you will find a Biblical therapy step to perform, such as the one below.
This 14 day free Christian teenage counseling services with free teen counseling path has genuine healing within, so please choose to bookmark this page as to return each day.
Be sure to check out the Teen Newsletter at the link below:
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Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Learn how the Christianity Oasis Ministry was created by the Hand of the Lord. A true story of unconditional Love, Mercy and God's glorious Grace.
Excellent Christian Resources
HelpGuide.org ... The teenage years can be full of pressure, uncertainty, and change. But you're not alone and you can feel better. These resources can help you (and your parents) tackle common challenges - from depression to bullying and eating disorders and more.
Holy Spirit ... This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share. Get to know the Holy Spirit.
After you finish the Christian Teenage Counseling Services and Free Teen Counseling, you can also check out some of the other Christian entertainment, games, music, books, mall, studies and programs within our Christian community below: