David Courage
David Faith
Christianity Oasis provides this David Courage and David Faith study on why David is the Apple of God's Eye. We'll look into all aspects of the Bible seeking truth and understanding.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The First Book of Samuel
Chapter 26
David Courage and David Faith Power
Apple of God's Eye Meaning
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our David Courage and David Faith study taking a look into why David is the Apple of God's Eye and how the adventurous David Courage and David Faith message affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
David Courage and David Faith Power
Apple of God's Eye Meaning
Glad to have you back again to share more Daily Bread together. This chapter may remind you a lot of Chapter 24, but let's refresh our memories as to what happened last in our story. David requested some help from a rich estate owner named Nabal, but instead of offering his generosity, Nabal instead offered David insults.
We don't usually see David act as if he has a short temper, but he gathers up the fellas and the swords and heads out to obliterate Nabal's entire family. Nabal's wife Abigail intercepts David on his way and reminds him that he is the Lord's anointed and Nabal is a fool, and she suggests that he chill out a little so that God will continue to hook David up with blessings in his future.
David comes to his senses because of her well orated speech and backs off. The next morning, upon learning what Abigail did, Nabal's heart died within him and he became as a stone, then died ten days later. David takes Abigail to be one of his wives, and now friend, we're up to date on the last chapter, but we need a little event-by-event refresher of what happened before that too!
Now remember back in Chapter 23 while David was fleeing from Saul, the Lord told David to go and save the people of Keilah from the Philistines, so David left Judah and went to Keilah, but, the Lord also told David that those same men from Keilah would turn David over to Saul, so David went to Ziph.
David Courage and David Faith Story
David is the Apple of God's Eye
Well the Ziphites ratted out David's whereabouts to Saul, so David left there and went to Maon, but Saul got word again of where David was so they surrounded David and his men. But just in the nick of time, one of Saul's messengers came with news that the Philistines were invading the land elsewhere, so Saul and his goons had to go defend Israel and left David for later.
David then left Maon and went to Engedi and that was where David cut off the bottom of Saul's garment. After that, David went to the wilderness of Paran and heard that Nabal (from Maon) was shearing sheep in Carmel, and that brings us up to the last chapter and how David ended up back in the area of Maon again.
Well, apparently the Ziphites really wanted to get on Saul's good side because they went back to Saul again reporting that David was hiding in their neck of the woods. It appears that there were places that undoubtedly felt secure (probably why they were called strongholds) and obviously David couldn't remain in any one place for a long time, so he would move from place to place, and some of them he would return to at various times.
Since the Ziphites had already revealed David to Saul once in the past, perhaps David thought that Saul wouldn't go looking for him in the same place. The strategy makes sense, but obviously David didn't count on the Ziphites discovering that he and his men were back again. At either rate, let's look at both tattlings, just to show ourselves that the Ziphites were persistent, for whatever reason.
David Courage and David Faith Events
Apple of God's Eye Blessing
1 Samuel 23:19
1 Samuel 26:1
Then came up the Ziphites to Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doth not David hide himself with us in strong holds in the wood, in the hill of Hachilah, which is on the south of Jeshimon?
1 Samuel 26:1
And the Ziphites came unto Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doth not David hide himself in the hill of Hachilah, which is before Jeshimon?
So this time Saul rounded up 3000 men to track David down.
Just a side note ... Saul wanted David dead because he was jealous of David, and because he wanted the throne of Israel to be inherited by Jonathan his son. Certainly Saul knew approximately how many men David had with him ... Does three thousand sound a little like ... Overkill, if you'll excuse the pun? But then, Saul knew it would take a lot. He had seen the Lord's strength work through David before. Three thousand people is nothing when you have God defending you.
Saul arrived where David was, but David already knew it was just a matter of time before Saul was on the chase again, so he sent out spies to keep an eye on Saul and confirm that he was following him. David went over to where Saul was staying to check it out. He found Saul and his general Abner sleeping with several soldiers surrounding them. David then asked Ahimelech the Hittite and Abishai (Joab's brother), "Who will go with me to Saul's camp?"
David Courage and David Faith Study
How to Be The Apple of God's Eye
Now, this is the first time we've been introduced to Joab's brother Abishai. You'll be hearing more about him throughout The Second Book of Samuel, but just to give you a small profile of Abishai, it would be fitting to call him ... Shall we say, enthusiastic? He is earnest to defend David and Israel and usually seems to want to act on impulse. One might call him a hothead.
He's one of those guys that you could imagine his guardian angel might be shaking his head at most of his decisions, but at the same time, his loyalty was what drove him to such extremes ... Well ... You'll see what I mean.
Abishai volunteers to accompany David over to Saul's camp. So during the night, David and Abishai went back to where Saul's army had pitched and found him sleeping with his spear stuck in the ground beside his head. His army of people, including Abner, were still around Saul, but fast asleep.
Great protection Saul brought with him, huh? Asleep on the job ... But then, it's obvious that their inability to keep watch was divine intervention.
Abishai thought God was giving David the opportunity to kill Saul. "God has delivered your enemy over to you!" He asked, "Can I take his spear and thrust it through his body? I'll only strike him once. I won't strike him a second time." David responded, "No! Don't kill him. We'd be guilty of killing God's anointed. The Lord is in control of this.
The Lord will either punish him one day, or he'll die from old age or in battle. The Lord forbids that I should kill one of His anointed. But, we will take his spear and his water jug and then get out of here." So David grabbed the spear and the water jug and escaped without anyone waking up and seeing them because the Lord caused the soldiers to sleep deeply.
Strive for David Courage and David Faith
Crave to Be The Apple of God's Eye
Don't you love being on the same team as God?
Then David went a safe distance away and stood on top of a hill. He shouted to the people of Saul's camp, and Abner. "Aren't you going to answer me, Abner?" Abner responds, "Who is calling out for the king?" "Aren't you a mighty man?" David taunted. "Where is there anyone else in Israel that is as great as you?
So, why haven't you guarded your king? Someone came in the camp to destroy him. You haven't done well at all. You deserve to die because you haven't protected your king, the Lord's anointed. Look and see where the king's spear and water jug is."
Saul knew David's voice and said, "Is that David, my son?" David responded, "It is me, my king. Why are you following me? What have I done to you? What is my crime? Please listen to me, your servant. If the Lord has caused you to be angry at me, let Him accept my offering.
However, if this is from mere humans plotting against me, then may they be cursed before the Lord because they have driven me away from my home, which was the Lord's inheritance for me, and for telling me to 'go, serve other gods.' Don't let my blood spill in the presence of the Lord. Why does the king of Israel come out and look for a flea, like one does when they hunt for a partridge in the mountains?
Then Saul confesses, "I have sinned. Go back home, my son David. For I will no longer try to harm you because you have valued my life today and did not kill me when you had the opportunity. I was a fool today and have been terribly wrong." David answers, "Here is your spear. Let one of your men come over here and get it. The Lord rewards every man for being righteous and faithful to Him.
David Courage and David Faith Conclusion
Apple of God's Eye Summary
He gave me the opportunity to kill you today, but I will not kill one of the Lord's anointed. Let my life be valued by the Lord, as I have valued your life today and let Him deliver me from all my troubles. Saul said, "David, my son, blessed are you. You will do great things and surely triumph." Then David continued on his way, and Saul returned home.
Psalm 18 is one that David wrote about a time when the Lord saved him from his enemies and from the hand of Saul. This may have been the incident that David was referring to in this Psalm. Be sure to check it out.
How admirable that David didn't take matters into his own hands, even when it seemed like God gave him the chance to kill Saul. David looked at the big picture. He wanted GOD to be control and knew God's timing would always be better than his own timing, even though it was more than a bit annoying being followed and hunted down to be killed. David trusted God and knew without a doubt that God would keep him safe.
Can't wait for you to return so we can share more of the adventures that David went through together, right here at Daily Bread.
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