Serving God

How to Serve God

Christianity Oasis has provided this Serving God Bible study on how to Serve God. We'll be looking into that and all aspects of the Bible seeking truth, understanding and then peace within.

Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The First Book of Samuel
Chapter 7

Serving God Only

How to Serve God Story

Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our Serving God Bible study looking into How to Serve God righteously and how the deLIGHTful Serving God message affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.

Serving God Correctly
How to Serve God Intensely

Delighted to have you back once again to share more Daily Bread. As you may remember, when we ended our last study time, the Ark of God had just been returned to the people of Israel in Bethshemesh, but the Lord destroyed many people there because they looked in the Ark. After that, the people of that city felt unworthy to keep the Ark because of their trespass, so they called on the neighboring city of Kirjathjearim to take it there.

The Ark remained in Kirjathjearim for twenty years, under the care-taking of Eleazar, the son of Abinadab (not to be confused with Eleazar the son of Aaron). During that twenty years, the children of Israel sought the Lord's favor, as they were still threatened by the Philistines. During this twenty years, Samuel judged Israel, guiding the people in the way of the Lord.

Samuel then spoke to all of Israel and told them that if they would devote themselves to the Lord with all their hearts and serve Him only, that the Lord would save them from the Philistines, and the children of Israel heeded Samuel's advice. Then Samuel gathered all of Israel to Mizpeh and they fasted and prayed there in repentance for their disloyalty.

Serving God Study
How to Serve God Concern

Now, the Philistines heard that all of Israel was gathered in one place at Mizpeh, so the leaders of the Philistines thought this was a good opportunity to attack them.

When Israel discovered the Philistines' plan, it frightened them, so they asked Samuel to pray to God on their behalf, to save them from the Philistines.

Samuel took a baby lamb and sacrificed it to the Lord with prayer, and the Lord heard. While Samuel was still offering the sacrifice, the Philistines neared, but the Lord sent out thundering so great that it overcame the Philistines and they were defeated by Israel.

So Samuel set up a memorial stone at the boundary of their victory and called it Eben-ezer (the stone of help), and said, Up to here has the Lord helped us. The Philistines didn't come into the borders of Israel anymore.

Serving God Properly
How to Serve God Blessing

The hand of the Lord protected Israel from the Philistines all the days of Samuel. Even the cities that the Philistines had taken from Israel were given back and there was peace also between Israel and the Amorites.

Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life, and he traveled each year to Bethel, Gilgal and Mizpeh, and judged Israel in all those places, but his home where he lived and judged was in Ramah, and he built an altar there to the Lord.

Serving God Summary
How to Serve God Conclusion

What's next for Israel? Well, you'll have to come back soon and find out how Israel ended up with kings instead of judges right here at Daily Bread.

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