Absalom Bible Study
King David's Son
Christianity Oasis provides this Absalom Bible study on King David's Son Absalom in the Bible. We'll be looking into that and all aspects of the Bible seeking truth and understanding.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The Second Book of Samuel
Chapter 15
Absalom Bible Study
King David's Son Absalom in the Bible
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our Absalom Bible study taking a look into the King David's Son Absalom in the Bible story and how it affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
Prince Absalom Bible Study
King David's Son Absalom in the Bible Saga
As we continue our Daily Bread study of the life and times of king David, we learned last time about the reunion of David and his son Absalom after Absalom fled because he killed his brother Amnon out of anger and revenge for raping his sister Tamar. Let's find out what happened next.
After Absalom and David reunited (how long after is not indicated), Absalom gathered himself some chariots and horses and 50 men that hung out with him. He got up early every morning and stood by the gate of the city. Whenever a man had a case to bring for the king to judge, Absalom asked them, "What city are you from?" The man would tell him what tribe of Israel he was from.
Absalom would tell him "It sounds like you have a really good case ... Too bad the king hasn't delegated anyone to hear about it. If I was appointed to be a judge in this land, I'd give justice to everyone that came with a case!" When the people tried to bow to Absalom, he wouldn't let them, but rather took their hand and kissed them. He did this with everyone that came to the king for justice in a matter ... So Absalom won the hearts of Israel.
Prince Absalom Bible Study Lesson
King David's Son Absalom in the Bible Battle
Though Absalom seemed to bring peace and justice to Israel, he really had a secret plan. Kind of like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Someone who APPEARS to be great and wonderful, but their heart isn't pure at all. Be careful if you are encountering people like Absalom.
How do you know if someone is honest and pure or not? Check their fruits. Check their words and deeds when they think no one is looking. Do they match up? Many can talk the talk, but refuse to walk the walk. Discern carefully. The Bible teaches us not to be unequally yoked.
After some years of this, Absalom said to the king, "Let me go to Hebron to fulfill a vow I made to the Lord. When I lived in Geshur, I made a vow saying if the Lord brings me back to Jerusalem, I will serve the Lord." So, the king said, "Go in peace."
So Absalom and two hundred men left Jerusalem and went to Hebron, but those men were ignorant of Absalom's true plans at that time, they just believed they were attending a sacrifice (the vow that Absalom told David he was going to fulfill). Absalom also sent for Ahithophel, (one of David's most reliable counselors known for the accuracy of his advice) but unlike the others, Ahithophel knew Absalom's plan and was in conspiracy with him.
Prince Absalom Bible Discussion
King David's Son Absalom in the Bible Warning
Absalom sent spies throughout the tribes of Israel telling them, "As soon as you hear the sound of a trumpet, you shall announce 'Absalom reigns in Hebron,'" and the conspiracy was growing strong and more people started to follow Absalom.
Finally a messenger came to David and told him, "The hearts of the men of Israel are committed to Absalom." David announced to all his servants that were with him in Jerusalem, "Let's get out of here quick before Absalom returns, overtakes us, and destroys our city with the sword."
Remember the Lord spoke to David through Nathan after David sinned? In Chapter 12, the Lord warned David that because of his sin, rebellion would arise against him within his own family.
Also, the punishment for killing Uriah and taking his wife was that the sword was going to always remain a threat to his family (Chapter 12:9-10). Check out that last paragraph again ... David is leaving because he fears Absalom will return and strike the city "with the edge of the sword."
Prince Absalom Bible Study Message
King David's Son Absalom in the Bible Danger
The king's servants replied, "We're ready to do whatever you wish." And the king left with his family, heading east out of Jerusalem and leaving ten of his concubines behind to care for the palace.
All the king's servants left with him, along with the 600 men that had been loyal to him ever since the time he fled from Saul to Achish the king of Gath. Also, anyone else who wanted to remain under David's rule followed.
One man named Ittai, who was a Gittite and a brand new follower of king David joined in the departure and though David tried to persuade him to stay in Jerusalem with his family even with a blessing of mercy and truth, Ittai refused to stay because he was so committed to following David, so the king allowed him to join with his family.
The country was in deep sadness as David and his men passed by through the land. They passed over the brook of Kidron and headed toward the wilderness.
Prince Absalom Bible Explanation
King David's Son Absalom in the Bible Fear
Zadok and Abiathar who were the priests, and all the Levites were together carrying the ark of God and set it down until everyone left the city. But David told Zadok to take the ark back into the city in hopes that the Lord would bring him back to it. David also knew that Zadok was a seer for the Lord, so he convinced Zadok and his son Ahimaaz, and Abiathar and his son Jonathan to stay in Jerusalem so they could secretly send word to David of when it was safe to return.
David went up the mount of Olives and started crying as he went up. He had his head covered and walked barefoot. Everyone that was with him did the same. And David was told by someone, "Ahithophel is part of the conspiracy with Absalom." So David earnestly prayed that the Lord cause conflict between the minds of Absalom and Ahithophel.
When David reached the top of the mountain, while he worshipped God, Hushai, a friend of David's came to meet him, grieving about all that had happened. David told him, "You'll be much more help to me staying in Jerusalem and pretending to be Absalom's counselor, like you were mine.
Prince Absalom Bible Study Summary
King David's Son Absalom in the Bible Conclusion
Then you can contradict the advice that Ahithophel gives him. Zadok and Abiathar, will be there secretly on our side too. You can tell them everything that goes on in the king's house. Their two sons, Ahimaaz and Jonathan will then bring me word of all you hear.
So Husai, David's friend, went back to Jerusalem and Absalom arrived presently.
Will David's plan will be successful? We'll see shortly. Be sure to come back soon for more Daily Bread!
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