The Christian Soldier
Biblical Soldiers
Christianity Oasis provides the Christian Soldier study on the Biblical Soldiers and Christian Soldiers in the Bible bringing forth truth, understanding and peace.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy
Chapter 2
The Christian Soldier & Biblical Soldiers
Christian Soldiers in the Bible
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our thought provoking and very intriguing ... The Christian Soldier Bible study taking an in depth look into the Biblical Soldiers and Christian Soldiers in the Bible. The absolutely awesome and important Christian soldier and Biblical soldiers message will truly bring a smile to the lips and heart and shine the LIGHT of Truth upon your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk path.
The Christian Soldier - Biblical Soldiers Truth
Christian Soldiers in the Bible Meaning
Pleased to have you back again to share more Daily Bread. Be strong. Be meek. These sound like two totally different qualities, but they work together in a Christian's life to make a perfect balance for serving God. As you recall from Chapter 1, Paul was talking about strength of spirit to Timothy. Let's see how he explains this further.
Be strong in the Grace that is in Jesus Christ.
This sentence works two ways. Forgiveness is a gentle act, but it takes a strong person to do it. Also, if you're the offender, before forgiveness is granted to you, while you are accused, you are burdened. Forgiveness frees you from that burden and you gain strength in Grace. So, if you're strong in the grace of your fellow man, think of how much stronger even, the grace of Jesus makes you. Paul adds:
And the things you've heard me teach in front of many people, teach the same things to other believers, which will in turn be able to teach others too.
With your strength, endure afflictions as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Nobody who fights for the cause of Christ becomes involved with the affairs of this life (man's world), so that he may please the One who has chosen him to be a soldier.
If a man strives for masteries, still he is not crowned unless he strives lawfully, righteously, honestly. The husbandman that labors must be first to receive of the fruits. Consider what I say and the Lord give you understanding in all things.
The Christian Soldier / Biblical Soldiers Study
Christian Soldiers in the Bible Explained
Okay, let's back up a few sentences to make sure that we understand what Paul is saying, because it may sound like several different subjects that are unrelated.
A person who strives for masteries, is someone who desires superiority in something. At the time of Paul's writing, this phrase referred to a contender in the Olympic games. To apply this to your personal life today, it may be a degree of some kind that you're working toward earning, or it may be someone who wants a promotion, or someone wanting success in their own business, etc.
Unless a person pursues his goal faithfully and honestly, he isn't recognized. If we want the prize, we have to work for it. This goes for our Christianity as well.
How do you feel about being treated by a doctor who didn't go to medical school? How do you feel about an athlete when you find out they've used steroids to achieve their accomplishments? Would you ask someone to defend you who didn't go to law school and pass the bar exam?
The Christian Soldier & Biblical Soldiers Vow
Christian Soldiers in the Bible and You
Of course not. They are not crowned - or recognized. (In the ancient Olympics, they used to put a crown of leaves on the heads of the champions. Also, a king's crown is a symbol of his notoriety.)
Moving on to the next sentence, "The husbandman that labors must be first to receive of the fruits." Could this be an analogy that Timothy, being a minister, must first spiritually understand the fruits of the Spirit before they can teach it to others?
Still having trouble figuring out what all these things have in common? Well, if you're a good soldier of Jesus Christ, you are one who endures, as Paul said in the beginning. Only the ones who persevere, who strive for superiority, who endure afflictions, whether as a soldier, farmer, doctor, or like Timothy, as a minister of Christ, will be rewarded.
The Christian Soldier & Biblical Soldiers Hope
Christian Soldiers in the Bible Warning
Now Paul relates this to his situation to make it even clearer to Timothy.
Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead. This is the Truth which I suffer trouble for, being considered an evil doer that is worthy of prison, but the Word of God is not bound. Therefore I endure all things for the sake of those who are chosen, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
It's a true saying, For if we be dead with Him, we shall also live with Him, if we suffer, we shall also reign with Him, if we deny Him, He also will deny us, if we are faithless, He still remains faithful, He cannot deny Himself (He cannot go against His Word).
Remind the people of these things, instructing them before the Lord that they don't argue about petty things, as it draws them away from God business.
Study to show yourself worthy to God, that you are a respectable servant, rightly dividing the Word of Truth (telling the genuine Gospel, not any other). But avoid profane and vain babblings, because they will multiply into more ungodliness. And their word will fester like a wound. Hymenaeus and Philetus have erred (been mistaken - turned away) concerning the TRUTH, saying that the resurrection is already past, and in doing so, they turn away the Faith of some other people.
The Christian Soldier & Biblical Soldiers Quest
Christian Soldiers in the Bible Concerns
If you're new to Christianity, you've probably experienced what Paul is explaining to Timothy here. He stood up for his Faith, and now people that used to be his friends are turning against him. But notice that it doesn't sway him one bit. Watch what he says next.
Nevertheless, the foundation of God stands steady, having this guarantee, The Lord knows those that are His (John 10:14, 27). And Let everyone that names the name of Christ (claims that Christ is their Savior), depart from iniquity.
In other words, Paul is saying that Jesus knows who's who, and anyone who calls themselves a Christian wouldn't behave in such a way. Then he uses a little parable to explain it more.
The Christian Soldier & Biblical Soldiers Facts
Christian Soldiers in the Bible Adventure
In a big house (the world) there aren't only gold cups and silver cups, but also wood and clay, and some to honor and some to dishonor (some paths are good, some bad despite appearance). If a man rids himself from these (doesn't associate with dishonorable deeds), he shall be a vessel (person) of honor, sanctified (set apart, made holy), and meet (useful) for the master's (the Lord's) use, and prepared to do good things.
Don't seek childish desires, but with those who are children of God (with pure hearts, as children), seek righteousness, Faith, Love and peace. But foolish and ignorant questions avoid, knowing that they generate strife (they cause troubles) and the servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle to all, apt (prepared, ready, quick) to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves, if God maybe will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the Truth, and that they may recover themselves out of the trap of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
What does this mean? It means that there's a big difference between being as a child and being foolish and ignorant. And Paul says, there certainly is such a thing as a foolish question. (You'll know it when the person asking it is seeking contention instead of seeking Truth with an open heart and mind.) Don't trouble yourself with these, because as a servant of God, you shouldn't be frustrated, but rather, patient, and kind in showing people the opportunity to be saved, then, of course, God does the rest.
The Christian Soldier & Biblical Soldiers End
Christian Soldiers in the Bible Summary
They say that experience teaches thoroughly. Paul wrote his epistles, hoping that his experiences would teach others thoroughly, so they could carry on the Faith with as little heartache as necessary and enjoy the fullness of Christ. As Christian soldiers, Paul gives us an ample supply of ammunition, to help us in our cause, so arm yourself with the Word and always fight the good fight. Be strong. Be meek. Show Love and Grace.
Come back again soon so we can share more of Paul's encouragement, right here at Daily Bread.
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