Jacob's Ladder Bible Story
Jacob's Ladder Dream
Christianity Oasis has provided this Jacob's Ladder Bible story on the Jacob's Ladder Dream. We'll look into that and all aspects of the Christian Walk bringing forth truth, understanding and peace.
Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The First Book of Moses Called Genesis
Chapter 28
What is Jacob's Ladder Bible Story
Jacob's Ladder Dream About Angels
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our Jacob's Ladder Bible Story takes a look into the Jacob's Ladder Dream in the Bible and how it affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.
Jacob's Ladder Bible Story Explained
What Was Jacob's Ladder Dream About
Great to have you back again. Many have heard of Jacob's ladder but have not understood the Truth of Jacob's ladder. In this study we will talk a little but about Jacob's ladder as to know the whole spiritual Truth of Jacobs ladder and how Angels use Jacobs ladder. We learned quite a lot in our last adventure with Jacob and Esau, and had quite a Spiritual lesson as well. Our Soul is tested many times in life and we are to never allow the winds of mediocrity to extinguish our candle's flame as to allow us to surrender our Salvation. Never allow anything from hunger as Esau did to anger, jealousy, lust, fear, greed or doubt to ever overwhelm you into making the wrong choices. Instead seek Faith, Truth, Love, Strength, Courage, Wisdom and Understanding. These are the qualities that will help keep you on the path to Salvation. Forget not that it is not our works but His Grace that creates within us a new heart which naturally seeks to do His will and our fruits will then be seen as good works.
Now, let's look into another adventure shall we? We have Jacob preparing to leave his home because his brother is so angry about his choices and losing his inheritance and his blessing to Jacob. Esau has now threatened to kill Jacob.
To start off our story, Rebekah (the Mother of Jacob and Esau) despised the women of Canaan. She had so much disdain for them that she felt if Jacob married one of them, she would have no reason to live. Remember that Esau has two wives already, both of them from Canaan.
Esau learned that Isaac wasn't happy that his wives were from Canaan, out of spite, he went to his Uncle Ishmael (Remember Ishmael was the brother to Isaac which was sent away.) and took one of his daughters as a wife. Ishmael's wives were from Canaan too. Esau doesn't seem to be one bit bashful about his jealousy for his little brother. So Esau and Ishmael have begun a new bloodline which will lead to the other nations in the Middle East which still hate Israel to this day because of the events that occurred.
Jacob's Ladder Bible Story Interpretation
Jacob's Ladder Dream Vision
Meanwhile Jacob traveled as far as he could until dark. He took some stones and used them for pillows and went to sleep. Jacob had a dream that night, of a ladder that reached to Heaven, with Angels of God ascending and descending on it. The Lord stood above the ladder and said, I am the Lord God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac: the land where you're sleeping, I'll give to you and your descendants and they'll be as many as the dust of the earth. And you'll spread to the west, east, north, and south and through you and your descendants all the families of the earth will be blessed. (This statement is referring to Jesus being placed in this bloodline later and through Him we are able to be saved, therefore blessed.) Remember I'm with you and I'll protect you wherever you go. I'll bring you back to this land and I won't leave you until I've done what I've just told you. What a promise !!!
Jacob woke up and said, The Lord is truly here and I didn't know it. And the magnificence of it frightened him and he said, This can't be anything but the house of God and the gate of Heaven.
He got up early in the morning and took the stone that he used as a pillow and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on it. He named that place Bethel, but before that, it was called Luz.
He made a promise to God that if He would protect him and give him food and clothes and let him return to his father's house in peace, that the Lord will be his God and of everything that God gives him, he will give 1/10th of it back to Him.
Jacob's Ladder Bible Story Summary
Jacob's Ladder Dream Conclusion
In one of our first stories, we talked about tithing and notice again, that when Jacob made his vow of tithing, it was of everything that God provided him with.
Up until now we've had some interesting things happen in the lives of Abraham and Isaac since the Lord made his covenant. It will be exciting to find out what God has in store for Jacob in our next story as he continues his journey to Haran, the home of his Uncle Laban. Join us again here at Daily Bread.
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