Solomon Bible Study

The Wisdom of Solomon

Christianity Oasis has provides the Wisdom of Solomon Bible study on King Solomon Wisdom, Solomon Bible verses and Solomon quotes. We'll look into all aspects of the Bible seeking truth and understanding.

Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The Book of Proverbs
Chapter 1 - 31

The Wisdom of Solomon Bible Study

King Solomon Wisdom

Solomon Bible Verses and Solomon Quotes

Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is the Wisdom of Solomon Bible study taking a look into King Solomon Wisdom from Solomon Bible verses and Solomon quotes and how the thought provoking Wisdom of Solomon Bible study message affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.

The Book of Proverbs - God's Fortune Cookies

The Wisdom of Solomon Bible Study Lesson
King Solomon Wisdom From God
King Solomon Bible Verses and Solomon Quotes

If you liked The Book of Psalms, you're sure to like the Book of Proverbs. As you know, the Psalms were written by king David, but did you know that the Proverbs were written by the wisest man to ever live? King David's son, named Solomon wrote the Proverbs.

You can read all about the life of Solomon in the first half of The First Book of Kings. You should also choose to read all of the Proverbs as they are written by the wisest man ever (besides Jesus).

Let's share a little Daily Bread Stick, shall we? What is a proverb? In Latin, two words are combined, the words pro or "for" (one may also think of pro as in pros and cons, pro being something good) and verba or "words". Good words! In the Proverbs of Solomon, many words are concentrated into few, and these easily remembered phrases are called Proverbs.

The Wisdom of Solomon Bible Study Discussion
King Solomon Wisdom Teachings
Solomon Bible Verses and Solomon Quotes on Faith

The key element of Proverbs is wisdom. Solomon, being the wisest man ever, extends his wisdom (from God) to us in many short adages. You'll want to read them slowly, and pause between each line to let it sink in before you read the next one, because in most of them, he switches from one subject to another with no apparent connection.

I like to think of Proverbs as God's fortune cookies. As a matter of fact, you could write them on little pieces of paper, fold them up and put them in a box, then select one each morning to read and to try and apply to your life.

In addition, there are 31 chapters in the Book of Proverbs, making it easy to keep track of reading one chapter each day, along with five Psalms, and cover both books each month.

The Wisdom of Solomon Bible Study Book
King Solomon Wisdom Events
Solomon Bible Verses and Solomon Quotes on Love

When you do something over and over again, it becomes a habit, and the Psalms and Proverbs will become a part of you. Wisdom is something that nobody can have enough of.

There are a vast amount of topics that are taught in The Book of Proverbs and some are repeated frequently with slightly different wording. Some people can go from being completely lost, to understanding something perfectly with the change of a single word. You're gonna love the Truth in each and every one of the Proverbs.

You can think of them as guidelines of living a godly life in an ungodly world. Ever wonder how to relate better with God, your parents, your children, your friends, neighbors, teachers, co-workers, government?

The Wisdom of Solomon Bible Study Gives Hope
King Solomon Wisdom Conclusion
Solomon Bible Verses and Solomon Quotes Summary

Solomon has answers for you, some in parables, some in short stories, but most in single lines of common sense that were meant to help you through ... life!

Enjoy your journey through the Book of Proverbs and hurry back again for more Daily Bread!

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