Bible Prophets
Present Day Prophets
Christianity Oasis provided you with this Bible Prophets Bible study looking into Biblical prophets as well as present day prophets of God. God's prophets in the Bible stories will uplift the soul and bring forth understanding and enhance your faith.
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Christian walk study program where we share hundreds of excellent Christian studies created to uplift your Christian life. This is our very intriguing and informative Prophets Bible study on Biblical prophets of God and their prophecies. The absolutely awesome and thought provoking message within this prophets in the Bible study will enhance your understanding of the purpose of the Bible prophets. We even share a journey with you sharing the truth of ... Present Day Prophets of God.
God's Prophets Bible Study
Minor and Major Bible Prophets in the Bible
Let us begin, shall we? What are Bible prophets and what is their purpose? God said that He would never do anything without first revealing it through God's prophets, so that they could tell the people whether it was a warning or blessing.
Amos 3:7
Numbers 12:6
Isaiah 46:9-10
Isaiah 52:6
Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.
Numbers 12:6
And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.
Isaiah 46:9-10
9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and
there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient
times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall
stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
Isaiah 52:6
Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I Am He that doth speak: behold it is I.
Names of Biblical Prophets Bible Study
Bible Prophets Prophecies
Notice that when a prophet of God reveals prophecy, that it is actually the Lord who is speaking (Known as the Word of God) through the chosen Bible prophet as if the prophet of God was a Spiritual megaphone for the Lord. The following are some of God's prophets in the Bible.
The Four Major Bible Prophets
Isaiah prophesied on the birth, life, and death of Jesus, and the Lord used him to reveal many End Times prophecies. A very popular prophet.
Known as the weeping prophet. He had to tell all the bad news of Babylon. He prophesied during carryout.
Ezekiel was a prophet before and during the carryout. He preached and prophesied at the same time Daniel, Jeremiah, and Habakkuk did. He was visited by angels called cherubim. He also went to heaven and saw the New Temple and new Jerusalem. He was visited by the hand of the Lord much.
Daniel was carried out of Jerusalem (Judah) and chosen by Nebuchadnezzar to live in Babylon under the employ of him. The child was chosen because of his appearance, wisdom, understanding. Daniel refused to eat kings meat, because it would defile him. God took him in, and made him wise in visions and dream interpretation. He foretold of many things including the coming of the Messiah, wars, nations that were to rule. God was with him. He was greatly beloved of God.
God's Prophets - Biblical Prophets Bible Study List
Minor Bible Prophets in the Bible
Hosea was forced into marriage with a harlot to show the way God feels about Israel's idols when He is the husband. He foretold End Times and many other prophecies.
Disaster strikes the southern kingdom of Judah without warning. An ominous black cloud descends upon the land -- the dreaded locusts. In a matter of hours, every living green thing has been stripped bare. Joel, God's spokesman during the reign of Joash, seizes this occasion to proclaim God's message. Although the locust plague has been a terrible judgment for sin, God's future judgments during the day of the Lord will make that plague pale in comparison. In that day, God will destroy His enemies, but bring unparalleled blessing to those who faithfully obey Him.
The first prophecy of Amos came two years before the earthquake of Uzziah. He basically spoke of current events but did speak of the End Times a bit.
Obadiah's whole prophecy was concerning judgment and punishment of Edom (Esau) for it's mocking of Israel in the day of their calamity.
Jonah was reluctant at first, but after a three day stay in fish belly, he changed his mind and preached to Nineveh. The city mourned and fasted. God forgave them but Jonah was angry, for he felt for all he had done, they should not be forgiven. God taught him.
Micah prophesied to such kings as Ahaz and Hezekiah. He told of Jesus' birthplace and other events of Jesus. He also wrote reason for time lapse of Daniel's 70th week. He told of End Times.
Nahum basically prophesied against Nineveh.
Habakkuk prophesied around the time of the carryout to Babylon. He questioned the Lord's judgment. Later he repented and made a prayer to God.
Zephaniah spoke of the gathering and the great day of the Lord. Though only three chapters long, he covers the last days.
Haggai prophesied during the rebuilding of the temple by Zerubbabel. He told the people to continue the rebuild. He also told of Zerubbabel's presence in the end.
Zechariah prophesied during the time the temple was being rebuilt by Zerubbabel. He prophesied much to Zerubbabel and Joshua the high priest. He had many visions of current events, and future, even to End Times.
Malachi was the last prophet of the Old Testament. He foretold of John the Baptist, the forerunner for Jesus. He foretold mostly future events including Jesus first visit, the cleansing of man by Jesus, judgment, End Times, and a fiery ending with Elijah coming before the dreadful day of the Lord.
God's Prophets - Biblical Prophets Bible Study Warning
Bible Prophets in the Bible Prophecy
The prophets of God chart below shows a timeline of the kings and prophets of Israel and Judah. It is a wealth of information at a glance of Biblical history.
Our thanks to Bible 805 for providing this helpful chart free of obligation.
God's Prophets - Biblical Prophets Bible Study Hope
Bible Prophets in the Bible Blessing
Below is a list of Scripture to verify the time period in which each of God's Bible prophets in the Bible prophesied.
Scripture Location
John the Baptist
Simeon (Niger)
God's Prophets - Biblical Prophets Bible Study Summary
Who Are the Bible Prophets in the Bible
It's not always clear to most people what different prophecies from God's prophets in the Bible mean until they come to pass. The Jewish people didn't even recognize the present day prophets of the time prediction of their long awaited Messiah Jesus, of which the Bible prophets shared various Spiritual prophecies. Because of the Israelite's blinding pride, Jesus was crucified by them (But this was all part of God's plan to bring in the SON-derful Salvation that we now have access to through Grace). Speaking of Jesus, He also brought us extremely essential prophecy from God sharing the coming events known as the End Times ... He said that we are to be prepared by watching for the signs, so that day does not surprise us.
Matthew 24:42-44
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord
doth come.
43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had
known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and
would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye
think not the Son of man cometh.
So, as you can see ...
We need to hear and adhere to God's prophets in the Bible and be watchful for Present day prophets of God !!!
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God's Prophets Bible Study
Prophets in the Bible Resources
Bible Study Tools ... Who Were the Major Prophets and What Did They Do? In the Bible, there are four major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel. All are featured in books from the Bible, and Jeremiah may have written two. ... Who Were the Major and Minor Prophets in the Bible? In order of occurrence, the Major Prophets are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. The Minor Prophets of the Bible are shorter books with more specific content, compared to the broader subjects of the Major Prophets. These men were just as significant as the Major Prophets despite the title of minor.
Compelling Truth ... What is a prophet in the Bible? Most simply, a prophet is one who speaks God's truth to others. The word prophet comes from the Greek prophetes, which refers to an interpreter of oracles or to one inspired by God to speak forth what He has said, often particularly as related to future events and especially those events related to the Kingdom of God. ... What is the difference between a seer and a prophet? The Bible describes a prophet as a spokesman for God. Their task was to speak in God's name and authority (Exodus 7:1)
Holy Spirit ... Present day prophets of God - Get to know the Prophets in the Bible by getting to know the Holy Spirit. He will explain the source and purpose of God's prophets. This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share.
Life, Hope & Truth ... "Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). Who were the prophets of the Bible, and what do their messages mean for us? And how does God work through His chosen representatives?
The Gospel Coalition ... A guide to the study of the prophets - This essay is intended as a 'guide' for those commencing, or perhaps revisiting, the study of the Old Testament prophets. It is not an introduction to the prophetic literature, nor a survey of the phenomena associated with the prophets and their activity.
Woman Of Noble Character ... 8 Female Prophets Of The Bible and Their Powerful Impact - The Hebrew word for a prophet, is navi (??????) is one of two used in the Bible describing a prophet.
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