Splash for Life

Christianity Oasis has provided you with this Splash for Life study. We'll look into all aspects of the Bible seeking truth, understanding and then peace within.

Splash for Life

Welcome to Splash for Life. We hope you enjoy this study called Splash for Life. With God all things are possible. Within is a message to enhance your Christian walk.

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Splash for Life


Splash for Life

My greatest desire is to walk intimately with God. I want to show Him my love as He's shown His love for me. My calling on earth is simply to love other people the way He does. I realize this is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit that indwells me as a result of accepting Jesus' free gift of salvation. His death on the cross satisfied once and for all the payment I owed to God for my sin. I cannot be loved any more completely by Him regardless of how greatly I strive, for there is nothing lacking in His love. His love for me does not lesson when I fail because his forgiveness is unconditional and complete. My purpose for this site is to share this journey I'm on so together we may discover how to remove each and every obstacle that would come between us and our Lord.