Splash for Life
Physical Fitness
A Suggested Plan
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Splash for Life - Physical Fitness - A Suggested Plan
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Splash for Life
Physical Fitness - A Suggested Plan
Physical Fitness
The Christian Counseling and Many Called Few Chosen studies on Christianity Oasis both discuss the control that the mind has over the flesh and make some suggestions as to how to exercise that control. Physical exercise and participation in a weight loss program are among the suggested ideas for charting, so I thought I would make some helpful suggestions as to how to proceed in those areas for those who are interested.
My purpose is not to get you focused on your body, but rather to allow you to be comfortable in your body so that you can focus on your Spirit.
Matthew 6:25
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?
Why do I care?
Because less than two years ago I was spending sixteen hours a day chatting on the computer, gaining weight, becoming more depressed daily, and feeling more hopelessly out of control with every day that passed. A friend suggested I join a gym, which I eventually did and gradually began getting more and more interested. Now less than two years later I am a certified Lifeguard, Swim Instructor, Water Aerobics Instructor, Wellness Floor Coach and Personal Trainer. I've lost thirty pounds and gained strength and feel better about myself physically, mentally and spiritually.
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the
Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your
20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God
in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
The amazing thing about treating our physical bodies with healthy food and exercise is that they in turn feed our minds. We probably all have experienced the effects of sugar and caffeine on our minds; and that sluggish feeling of being so tired all we want to do is sleep after a big Thanksgiving dinner. Exercise also has a very important effect on mental health. Like Ritalin and Prozac, exercise causes the release of crucial neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Group studies have shown that those using exercise recover from anxiety and depression at approximately the same rate as those who use antidepressants. Now, I'm not suggesting that you throw away your medications because for many people they are very necessary, but rather if you are considering seeking help for those issues please give exercise a try first.
As with any change, slow and steady is the rule. Begin slowly with small steps whether you're changing your eating habits or your physical routine. Nothing will be gained if you deny yourself of all your favorite foods. You'll eventually throw yourself a pity party complete with all your favorites. Nor will it do any good to overdo it with exercise and get so sore you're unable to move the next day causing you to give up altogether. Feel free to begin the strengthening exercises with two sets of eight each and built up from there.
As with any diet or fitness program, please check with your physician first before you begin. I'm not a nutritionist or medically trained in any way. I realize that some of you have specific allergies and medical limitations of which I'm not aware and I trust you'll keep those in mind.
The first step is to pray and ask God his will for your diet and exercise plan. If you desire to lose weight or gain strength for your own selfish reasons, chances are good that you won't be successful. If your desire is to make the temple of His Holy Spirit the best it can be to bring glory and honor to Him then you will not fail.
Proverbs 16:3
1 Corinthians 10:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
1 Corinthians 10:3
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
When it comes to healthy eating, I personally believe that all foods are Biblically acceptable but I realize not everyone agrees with me and I do not wish to get into theological discussions regarding clean and unclean foods, etc. I do feel that we should try to keep everything in moderation. I don't follow any particular eating plan but rather try to make healthy choices along the way. Limit and replace unhealthy fats with healthier ones like olive oil. Limit refined sugars and replace with natural sugars such as in fruit; replace white flour with whole grains, white potatoes with sweet potatoes, and white rice with brown or wild rice. Eat plenty of vegetables and some fruit. I eat all kinds of meat but try to keep quantities within reason. Choose reduced-fat cheeses and dairy products. Drink lots of water and limit soft drinks. Don't eat unless you are hungry and stop when you are full.
I suggest that you spend thirty minutes on an aerobic exercise, twenty minutes on strength training, and ten minutes on stretching at least three times a week. I try to work out every day that I have time because I struggle with the addiction of laziness and find that if I give into it one day then I want more laziness the next. Whatever schedule you choose, do take your day of rest as the Bible says.
Cardiovascular aerobic exercises are sustained movement exercises which cause the body to process oxygen. The benefits include not only weight loss but reduced blood pressure, increased respiratory function, muscle tone, and improved circulation.
Strength training basically includes anything that causes resistance for the muscles to contract and will help you lose weight and also build strength and muscle tone. The more muscle your body has the more calories you burn even when standing still. I will give you a list of muscles and a suggested exercise for each. You can use your internet to search for and find many different workout plans. Many of them actually show pictures of how the exercises are performed and give alternative methods. My goal here is only to give you a basic outline for a workout that you can adjusts to your own abilities and interests. To accomplish these you may use weight machines, resistance bands, Swiss balls, or do them without any equipment at all.
Stretching is important for enhanced physical fitness, reduced risk of injury to joints, muscles and tendons, reduced soreness and tension, and helps to develop increased flexibility.
Basic One Hour Work-Out Plan
30 Minutes Cardio
20 Minutes Strength Training
10 Minutes Stretching
Aerobic Cardiovascular Activities
Choose one and perform at least 30 minutes non stop, 3 days per week
- * walk
- * jog
- * run
- * jumprope
- * bicycle
- * swim
- * eliptical
- * crosstrainer
- * arc trainer
- * stairstepper
- * treadmill
- * aerobics
- * sports (basketball, tennis, football, hockey, volleyball, etc.)
Always begin with five to ten minutes of warm-up which could be a walk or your chosen exercise but at a slower pace, and finish with a cool down. The purpose of the cool down is to prevent blood from pooling in those muscles you're using and keep you from becoming lightheaded and faint when you suddenly stop the exercise and also prevents the buildup of lactic acid.
Strength Training Exercises
Exercise lower body and abdominals one day and upper body muscles another to stick with the 20 minutes time plan.
Do three sets of 10 each with two minutes of rest between sets.
Lower Body Muscles:
Gluteals (buttocks), Hamstrings (back of the upper leg), Quadraceps (upper front of the leg), Abductors (side of the leg), Adductors (inner thigh) and Calves (back of the lower legs)
- Squats
- Lunges
- Step-ups
- Calf raises
Rectus abdominus (long muscle from below chest to pelvis); External and internal obliques (waistline)
- Crunches
- Reverse Curls
- Hip Raises
Upper Body Muscles:
Pectorals (chest)
- Push ups
- Dumbbell Press
Latisimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids, erector spinae (back muscles)
- Dumbbell Rows
Deltoids (shoulders)
- Lateral Raises
Triceps (back of upper arm)
- Triceps Kickbacks
- Triceps Extensions
Biceps (front of upper arm)
- Dumbbell Curls
After every workout, while your muscles are still warm. Hold each stretch for at least a count of 10.
- Lower Back Stretch (Lie on your back and gently hug your knees into your chest.)
- Upper Body Stretch (Standing with arms out in front of you lace your fingers together and curl your shoulders forward.)
- Hamstring Stretch (Standing, cross one leg behind the other, bend at hips, allow arms to hang down toward feet. Switch legs.)
- Quadriceps Stretch (Standing on one foot, holding onto a chair or the wall for balance, bend your opposite knee behind you and draw your heel to your rear.)
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
Physical Fitness
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