Diane's Poetry


by Diane Adele Strong

An oasis in the desert
Living Water at Christianity Oasis

John 7:38  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Quench your thirsty soul!
An oasis in the desert

Diane's Poetry
by Diane Adele Strong

Schmoopie ...

Shmoopie Playing with Tissues
Shmoopie Playing with Pencils
Shmoopie Knocking Over Plant


"Now and then I pull a little tissue from the box ...
Now and then my toys fall in the sink and get quite lost ...
Now and then I chew erasers from her pencil tops ...
I wonder if she'll figure out how this old plant fell off?

Shmoopie in a Harness of Sorts

Just as I thought...she saw the plant...and right away blamed me!
I told her that the dog ... old Jiggs... he did the dirty deed!
But would she listen? No, siree - she put me in this vise,
And said, 'Perhaps you'll tell the truth next time, instead of lies'!"

Truthful lips shall be established forever,
but a lying tongue is credited but for a moment.
Proverbs 12:19


Diane Adele Strong

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