Short Christian Poems

Christian Poetry

Christianity Oasis has provided this Short Christian Poems E-book with some adorable Christian poetry. We hope you will explore our many studies that look into all aspects of the Christian Walk and reveal truth and bring forth understanding and peace.

Living Water at the Oasis
Living Water at the Oasis

Short Christian Poems

Christian Poetry

Welcome to our Christianity Oasis community presenting our Purity Publications forum. This is our Short Christian Poems free E-book with SON-derful Christian poetry. This is e-Book is one of our guest favorites. These short Christian poems will truly enLIGHTen your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.


I am so thankful to have this opportunity to welcome you to my site. My desire is that God will be honored by my poetry and that many people will be encouraged and blessed by reading and applying it to their specific needs.

I was born in California and lived in Hawaii, Alabama and, more recently, Georgia. Having raised five children and been through the rigors of divorce, I have learned many God-taught lessons through the years.

More often than not, the poems come to me regarding specific experiences in my life, past or present.

My more light-hearted efforts are those of children's verse (some book length stories such as the soon-to-be-finished, "Percy's Christmas Party") and the poems I have written for my grandchildren.

I pray that you will read and enjoy the work God has privileged me to create.

God bless you.

Diane Adele Strong

Diane Adele Strong
February 2008

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