Friends Thoughts
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In Memory of Zane - Friends Thoughts
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In Memory of Zane

Friends Thoughts
Zane's Friends and Family
Zane ... Mike to me ... was a perfect brother. He lied to me a lot, always tried to paint a picture of a perfect life, disappeared for weeks without a word, didn't call enough, never remembered to call me on my birthday, and owed me money. 😉 But, he was still the perfect brother. Because he was who he was. I made a choice many years ago to love him just like he was. He agreed to do the same for me. I would have liked for him to have seen his worth in himself so that he did not have to work so hard to find it. I would have loved to have known more of his friends. I would have loved for him to go to the doctor so I could have had a chance to know he was going to die and could have told him all these things. But, I do not love him less because I did not get those things. If I had known 36 years ago I would only get 36 years with him, I would have still wanted them, and him. I miss him so much sometimes I cannot breathe. I only wish I could help to heal any hurts he left behind so that his memory is not tarnished. We truly only have one life to leave a legacy behind. What will people say about you when you are gone? What will you leave behind that will last ... for eternity? Cynthia
This is probably the hardest thing I'll ever have to do, but, I wanted everyone to hear my words. There are so many things that were never said and settled between us, so much time that was never spent together, instead, miles apart. Still, I miss my Dad. I don't know if there are any words to describe what I'm actually feeling. All I know is that a part of me is missing. Something indescribable happened that night- the night when half of me left this world and descended into Heaven. I admit, for a long time, I did not consider him my father. After all, he abandoned me for most of my life. I was forced to grow up with just a mother, living off only the necessities. But, maybe that's how it was supposed to be. Maybe it's God's way of making people appreciate what they have, while they have it. I don't know God's plan for me, nor do I know why God chose my father to live with him up above. It's a mystery that we as humans will never understand until we are there, standing at those gates, waiting to enter Heaven. I don't hold resentment for him or hate him, I am only disappointed. He'll never see me at my prom, or when I graduate, or when I have a family of my own. I'll never hear him say he was proud of me, or that he wished he could have been there more often. I'll never know if he ever thought about me or wondered about me or worried about me. But then again, maybe he will be there, watching over me and standing beside me in spirit. My father was not perfect; none of us are. The best thing we can do in our time here on Earth is learn from our mistakes, cherish our loved ones, and live each day as if it were our last, because for all we know, it is. I can only hope that he hears my words at this moment and knows that I love him and I miss him. - - - Here's a little poem my friend sent me when her mom passed away. I thought it fit very well with the situation - - - When tomorrow starts without me and I'm not there to see if the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me, I wish so much that you wouldn't cry the way you did today. While thinking of the many things we didn't get to say, I know how much you love me, as much as I love you. And each time that you think of me, I know you'll miss me too. But, when tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand that an angel came and called my name, and took me by the hand and said my place was ready, in Heaven far above. And that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love. But, when I walked through Heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me from His great golden throne, He said "This is eternity, and all I've promised you Today for life on earth is past, but here it starts anew I promise no tomorrow, for today will always last. And since each day's the same way there's no longing for the past. So, when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart. For every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart - - - Connie
And from Zane's Dad ...
Mike loved to pick on me about my age and my lack of keeping up with technology. He used to say that if only I could have talked Noah into getting a computer, the 40 days and 40 nights would have gone by so much faster. Mike needed me to know he was able to take care of himself. He needed my approval and worked tirelessly to get it. He always had it but never seem to know it. I love my son and look forward to seeing him again. Dad
If I could put into words the feelings I have about Zane. I would say He was one of the sweetest men I have ever known. He came into my life like a whirlwind and just as fast, he was gone. He knew how to make me smile and how to make me dance. How to make me feel I could do anything and be anything. He was all about building someone up to make them feel good. He shared with me how I should have confidence in myself . I learned to love this dear friend in a very short time. He was a man who seemed to see inside my heart and mind. He saw my insecurities and talked me right out of them. He was an unselfish spirit, seeking to bring others freedom. While all along he was searching for his own. I know he has found that special place ... Where there is freedom, happiness and joy. *HEAVEN*
If I could talk to him today I would say to him. I love you and I miss my FRIEND, and please give my family, Richard and Steven, a big ole hug for me, and say I miss them too ... REST IN PEACE ... Sweet Zane ...
Though you're gone, I still feel your presence all around me Zane. There were questions that I never had answered. But, they are answered now that you are in spirit. Whispering in my ear. I know you are happy now smiling down on all of your friends. Now that you are in Heaven, you can see now how much we loved you.
You had such a wonderful spirit and was very much a gentleman. In every way, you have earned your wings.
and should fly with great honor. It hurts so much that you're gone. But I know I'll see you again.
I only wish I had the chance to be there, by your side, as you flew away. Miss you dearly ... Dee
I once read something somewhere that I really took note to. It said: "Don't look for someone perfect to love. Find someone imperfect to love perfectly." In the short time I was allowed to know Zane, I definitely saw this in him. I believe he was not a perfectionist nor did he look for perfection. But he definitely was seeking someone to love perfectly and someone to return the same to him as well. I miss you my little friend Zane. I hope you have found that peace and happiness you so dearly longed for. Love, Carolyn (ThatTexasTouch)
I miss Zane terribly, even though I know he is in a better place - I still selfishly miss him. I miss his hugs, his beautiful smile and the way ONLY HE could make me feel. The memories we made together shall remain alive forever in my heart and soul, of which no one can take from me. Zane ... Mike ... I love you. Terri (Your Adopted Mom)
Zane's Friend
Thank you to my friends and Zane's ... those I knew before and those I've been blessed to meet since. You offered time, comfort and support, many of you to a complete stranger. You have honored Zane in your response and brought peace to his family in sharing what you knew of him. The heart of Zane is reflected in the people he knew and I am thankful for each of you. Zane was the kind of friend everyone should experience at least once in a lifetime. The friend who sees all your good, and reminds you frequently. Who nods in recognition at the not so good, but accepts. The friend who creates that "safe place" where you can be yourself without fear of judgment. Someone who makes mistakes but knows how to apologize, and demands the same in return. A friend who is strong enough for two and revels in being needed. Yet strong enough to be vulnerable and let you know you're needed as well. I believe in order to truly honor someone we have to acknowledge the whole person. And so I've found grieving to be exhausting work. An amazing collection of good memories sometimes clouded with resentment of things past and anger at the loss. It is difficult to say which emotion is more overwhelming at times ... the joy of experiencing Zane, the frustration of Zane or the pain that he's gone. Zane would tell me to embrace each emotion ... try it on for size :) And because he could read people so well, he'd know I would choose to wrap myself in the journey. A recollection that gradually soaks up any negative emotions, leading to a place where past and present hurt have been absorbed...leaving only peace, a smile and the joy of Zane. I'm very thankful for the journey and all I learned from him and about myself because of him. When asked if I'd do it all again, there's only one response. "Yes, please."
Our Thoughts:
I have created few websites that were as worthy as this one. I have truly enjoyed creating this website and getting to know the soul of Zane. He was and continues to be an inspiration to those who crossed his path. He seemed to be able to bring out the best in every soul he encountered. Had we met, we would have become friends ... Brandon
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