Quotes by Zane

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Quotes by Zane

Welcome to this Memorial dedicated to Zane. We hope you enjoy these Quotes by Zane. Within is a message to enhance your Christian walk.

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In Memory of Zane

Quotes by Zane

The following quotes were taken from emails written by Zane, obviously taken out of context, but representative of the man he was and the thoughts he might have shared with many of his many friends.

Zane on relationships ...

As with anything, time is nourishment as are words and actions. Any relationship will wither even with the best of intentions, if it's not nourished ...

There are times when one or both is feeling insecure, lonely, hurt, sad, etc. and one needs the other available, as a loved one just 'needy'... Because we are in love, because we want to be there for the other when they are happy or sad, etc ... A support beam.

Sometimes, when things aren't so good or we get misdirected, more time is needed because of the lack of time to communicate properly.

Making time together, whether it's 2 hours or a night. It's precious, it's rare, making each other the priority for that moment is what makes the time apart all the more livable and desiring for the next time we are together.

To forgive is easy ... To heal and grow is where I want to be.

If two people truly love each other, yet adversity, chaos ... When do you just say enough is enough?

The only love which has lasted is the love which has everything ... Every disappointment, every failure ... Which has accepted the fact that in the end there is no desire so deep as the simple desire for being with each other ...

Finding joy in a typical day, and sharing ...

Coffee is brewing and I am smiling ...

I am ironing and am going to wear this new power tie I bought a few weeks ago ...

I have no idea where I'm going, but wherever it is, I'm having a good hair day!

Would be nice if it is sunny so I can take off the tops and have some fun, maybe take a drive north of Lewisville to the lake ...

I'm having coffee on my patio this morning, it's nice.

Tonight is bowling night!!!!! I am sooooooooooooo ready ...

Just finished watching Die Hard ... It was good even the 10th time around!!! I went to Starbucks 😁 earlier ... soooooooo good ... mmmm.

I am going to heat up my sandwich I brought home and sit my little happy ass in front of the tube for a while ... I am sure we'll talk between now and the time I head to bed ... Maybe even flirt online, and if you get lucky, it might even be with you 😛

I'm glad we met at Denny's tonight ...

I just heard the songs, "I'm Already There" and "Best Of Intentions" and "I Could Not Ask For More" ... Almost back to back to back ... My favorites. My favorite part ...'and if you could see my heart, you'd know without exception'

I forgot Voyager was on tonight until you said something ... Pretty good 😁 I'll probably call ... after 7 of 9 of course 😉 Except she seems to be preoccupied with someone else 😞

Going to surf a while ...

It's bowling day, so it must be a good day!

I'm going to change out of the tie and into the SuperZane outfit now ...

Just got in from an incredible night of bowling and karaoke in the bar, at the alley.

I watched the same channel all night ... Good shows were on, they all had that sci-fi feel.

I'll probably head to Starbucks around 8 or so, a hot Caramel Machiato is sounding very nice.

May try to get to the lake this time and watch sunset ... Have a drink.

Zane's humor ...

How come day old coffee doesn't taste as good as day old spaghetti???? Hhhmm

I forget the little things, but I'm a man ... That's my excuse 😁

You may be right in that I could sell ice to an eskimo 😛

See?? I can get up early when I have to 😛

And women say men don't listen?? hhhmmppf. Ya think?????????????

Who ever said why buy the cow when the milk is free!! It costs more to drink the damn milk than to have bought the cow outright ... 😛 Couldn't resist 😘

98% of all my thoughts are positive and I am smiling ... ok ok, 29% are positive and 69% are 'dirty' ones, but hey, that's a positive all it's own 😁

You may eat healthier than I do, but I get better rest 😛

I am not a sex maniac as my reputation precedes me ... ALL rumors 😜 (crossing eyes, fingers, legs toes)

Sheeeeeeeeesh ... Women 😛

You so funny ... $5 love you loooooong time !!

People just don't seem to realize that being as good as I am takes alot of hard work ... lol

To his friends ...

Keep me in your thoughts and heart and as always ... I'm with you.

I miss you already, but I am smiling. My eyes are smiling too ...

I hope you smile a little, laugh a little and relax when you can ...

If you need to talk to someone ... I'm here ...

Remember to breathe 😘

Sweet dremzzz ...

We will dance again, we will laugh again, we will see the sun come up and watch it set as well ...

I hope your days to come include love, happiness and a feeling of joy and peace inside ...

Oh, that song ... I think it's called "Best of Intentions" really, really, really kinda talks about me and probably alot of thoughtless men who do stupid things by just not thinking through ...

There was a time when I was soooo good at holding back my emotions, true emotions, from anyone ... everyone ... It never meant I held back only the not so good things ... I held most everything.

Maybe I separate this computer, in my thinking, and this is a made up world. Therefore, my reality is totally separate ... I probably have. I really did see a difference in the two.

I hope when reading you understand a little better, smiled here and there and felt the love in between every line.

😘 Muuuuuuuah ...

By the way, I am smiling ... Sweet dreams 😇

Pssst: (whisper) ... thank you.

Just Because ...

I have this fear, I guess, that if something was to ever happen, it goes back to that song by Garth ... "and if my time on earth is through ... Will she know how much I love her" 😁

And if one day I walked away or died ... You are such (strength) that you wouldn't fall apart because you wouldn't let it ... You have that strength in you that would prevail.

A catch phrase that I have grown to appreciate and even take for granted at times ... "Yes, please."

A quote Zane loved ...

My father once said to me, as long as you are in my house there is only one rule and it is very simple ... I will freely give to you respect, obedience and truth, because I am bound by God to teach you these things. In return, I demand respect, obedience and truth because you too, are bound by that same love.

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