Incest Victims
Victims of Incest Counseling
Christianity Oasis provides this Incest Victims therapy for victims of incest with incest counseling on incest survival revealing truth as to bring forth understanding and peace within.
Christianity Oasis
Quest for Blest Rest from Incest
Incest Victims Freedom
Victims Of Incest Counseling For Incest Survival
Welcome to our absolutely awe inspiring Christianity Oasis Quest for Blest Rest From Incest path of promise. This is voyage is thought provoking and shares excellent Incest Victims secrets to success with extremely effective and essential victims of incest counseling which brings forth true incest survival as to truly enhance and enLIGHTen your be-YOU-tiful and YOU-nique life.
Start our Quest for Blest Rest from Incest
program from the beginning:
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Our Journey Begins
Destination - State of Freedom
Incest Victims Healing Path
Free Victims of Incest Counseling
I am so pleased that you have finally come to talk with me. You may not know me, but I have known you all of our lives. If you choose to come with me for a bit, you will discover who I am. I would like for US to take a little journey together.
A Healing Journey
This journey is for the child that hated bedtime, hoping nothing happens.
This journey is for the hurting child, who is now an adult and wants to overcome.
This journey is for the parent who knows what's happening, yet remains silent.
This journey is for the friend who knows and wants to help, but doesn't know how.
This journey is for the child within, screaming out these two simple words:
No More !!!
It is time to silence the incest victims screams within. Incest survival or bust !!!
It is time to plan our ...
Quest For Blest Rest From Incest Healing Journey
Would you like to get away for a little while? Let's you and I go on a road trip, shall we? Our Incest Victims healing journey will last for 14 days. Each day there will be new and thought provoking stops to make. Together, we will stop and visit you-nique places, pull over for scenic views, work our way around road blocks, detours and obstacles that we may encounter along the way and the best part of all, which is rolling down our windows while we listen to our music and just breathe. Let's leave our worries, pain and anguish behind as we take a trip to a new place.
We will be heading out of the State of Confusion ... Out of the State of hopelessness ... Out of the State of emptiness, loneliness and misery on a one way trip to the State of Freedom. Blazing our own trail as we need to and building bridges over the troubled waters which have kept us from reaching our secret dream of having joy and peace within.
Our destination, throughout our incest survival drive, will be to cross that state line of Freedom. What an adventure this will be !!! Before we set forth on our Spiritual Road Trip, let's talk a little about ...
It all starts right there. Yeah right, huh? Hope ... Who has that anymore? Well, deep within ... We do. I mean, think about it ...
Don't we hope that one day we will be free from the Spiritual prison that we have created to protect ourselves?
Don't we hope that one day we can actually look forward to tomorrow?
Don't we hope that there may be someone who truly cares for us enough to understand?
Don't we hope that there will one day be an end to this confusion?
Don't we hope that we can enjoy being alive?
Don't we hope that one day we can move on?
Don't we hope for peace, joy and freedom?
But, it's hard to believe that this hope will ever bring forth real and lasting change in our lives, while we exist in our present state of mind and heart isn't it? We find our self in this dark tunnel with no light at the end. We're not even sure which way we are headed most of the time, if we are heading in any direction at all.
We Need to Awaken
A soul that is locked away.
We feel that we are in a cage.
All we are is a mask that we emit for others to see.
Knowing our walls are up and no one is coming in.
Everywhere we look is fear and darkness.
No hope, no joy and no love.
But, how can we awaken from such darkness to enter the incest survival realm? Part of us doesn't know if we even want to come out. We have been here so long ... It's become familiar. Almost as if we feel safe hiding deep within our minds. But then comes Truth !!!
Incest Victims Need Help
Effective Victims of Incest Counseling
Regardless of if we feel safe or not in our darkness, we know we are not happy. We definitely do not feel like we are in the land of incest survival. We have the appearance of being tough on the outside, maybe, but not happy. People look at us different now with our walls up. They only see what we allow them to see. But inside ... We feel like we are dying. The anger, the sadness, the loneliness, the fear ... Whatever our darkness is ... It's overpowering.
It feels like ... A curse. Yeah, a curse ... But, what or who is the source of the curse hindering us from the incest survival experience?
The Curse
Composed by Kurt Bestor and Sam Cardon
with lyrics by Michael McLean
We heard the tale since we were young,
Heard the songs that have been sung,
About an evil spell.
Someone beautiful is cursed
We feel sad through every verse
Til a kiss and all is well
The message that no one can teach
Is clearer to someone like me
There is no curse or evil spell
That's worse than one we give ourselves
There is no sorcerer as cruel,
As the proud and angry fool.
And yet, we cry life isn't fair
Beneath our cries the truth is there
A power that will break the spell
We should know very well
Is locked within ourselves
Yet we'd rather blame,
And curse our faith and change
We run from everyone to hide from the pain
And all the shame
The story long we knew it well
About a wretched evil spell
A power that will break this curse
Oh I know all too well
Is locked within myself
Incest Victims Lyrics
Victims of Incest Counseling Songs
So, it seems that maybe, just maybe ... We are the source of the curse and if it was us that cast this curse ... We can break this self induced curse and establish this hope of incest survival.
Oh wow, that is a great song on the radio. Let's listen to the words.
I Know Someone
by Ginny Owens
You have built yourself a fine fortress
And you're the only one who holds the key
You've resolved to pilot your own ship
And you decide what all the rules will be
No more asking for answers
No more cries for help
You've been hurt for the last time
That's what you tell yourself
I don't know much more than this
But I know someone who does
I was not there in your past
But I know someone who was
I can't heal what lies within
But I know someone who can
I know someone who can
It's a drag living life like this
Believe me, I've been there a thousand times
Spending everyday on the defense
And building walls no one could ever climb
Till somebody showed me my fortress was a cage
And granted me my freedom
Since then I haven't been the same
So you can lock me out
Of your life as you've designed it
But I know there's peace and
I'll be on my knees until the day you find it
Yeahhh ... oooh
I can't fully understand
Oh no
I know someone, I know someone
You know the one thing that makes darkness leave? Light ... In that light, will be a new life of freedom, joy, and peace. Whether you see the light at the end of the tunnel or not ... It is there. And we will get there together.
But How?
I mean, we do want to overcome this darkness within ...
- We're tired of nobody understanding us.
- We're tired of being bombarded with horrible thoughts.
- We're tired of being so confused.
- We're sick of being numb.
- We're done with being scared.
- We're tired of feeling locked away.
- We're tired of hiding behind our mask.
Somewhere deep within you can sense something or someone screaming to come out. To be set free to experience incest survival hope.
Incest Victims Hope
Victims of Incest Counseling Cure
All we need to begin our journey is hope and it is there. Something within that holds hope of being able to feel joy, happiness, peace, security, and comfort. We just want to be told and believe that "Everything is going to be alright." Hey ... Guess what? Everything is going to be alright. Find that tiny bit of hope within, that hopes that there is a way out.
Hope is What We Need
It is the anchor of our soul:
Hebrews 6:19
Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul ...
Hard to believe in hope in that which we can't see or imagine though, huh?
Romans 8:24-25
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not
hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with
patience wait for it.
Well, guess what ... That's just the way it works.
Hebrews 6:19
Now fa ith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not seen.
We must choose to hope in the unseen future of peace, joy and Freedom that is ahead.
We Must Have Faith !!!
We are told that we can hope for anything we want. And with just that itsy bitsy shred of Faith ... We are promised that we can get what we hope for ... If we believe:
Matthew 17:20
And Jesus said unto them ... If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
What a wonderful promise! But is it real? Hmmmmmmmmm, well let's look at it this way ... What have we got to lose by hoping in this journey that we are about to embark upon, besides the negative thoughts and emotions that we harbor?
Incest Victims Share a Bond
Victims of Incest Counseling Journey
Take my hand and let's go see what we will discover together.
Borrow Mine
by Bebo Norman
Cause it seems your smile has left you
And don't give in, when you fall apart
And your broken heart has failed you
I'll set a light up
On a hilltop
To show you my love
For this world to see
You can borrow mine
When your hope is gone
Borrow mine
When you can't go on
'Cause the world will not defeat you
When we're side by side
When your faith is hard to find
You can borrow mine
Take my love when all that you can see
Is the raging sea all around us
And don't give up 'cause I'm not letting go
And the God we know will not fail us
We'll lay it all down
As we call out
Sweet Savior
help our unbelief
You can borrow mine
When your hope is gone
Borrow mine
When you can't go on
'Cause the world will not defeat you
When we're side by side
When your faith is hard to find
You can borrow mine
When you are weak
Unable to speak
You are not alone
The God who has saved us
Will never forsake us
He's coming to take us
Take us to our home
You can borrow mine
When your hope is gone
Borrow mine
When you can't go on
'Cause the world will not defeat you
When we're side by side
When your faith is hard to find
When your faith is hard to find
You can borrow mine
Take my hand
Take my love
Don't give in
Don't give up
You are not going to be fighting this battle alone anymore. You will not be on this drive alone. Remember that. You can hope for incest survival.
Incest Victims Can Overcome
Victims of Incest Counseling Warning
After each day we will pull over and rest. Too much driving at one time, will make us more liable to become overwhelmed and possibly fall asleep at the wheel, and we can't have that happen.
By taking in too much at one time, we will be losing other valuable information that didn't have time to set in yet. It's like taking medication. The prescribed medication is what is needed. Taking it as it is prescribed is the only way for it to work. Taking too much at a time can cause additional harm. Stopping the medication too early (even though you feel better for a day) causes the illness and symptoms to return.
So ... Please make sure you choose to take this Victims of Incest Counseling journey one day at a time for all 14 days. You will be so glad you did by the end of our incest survival road trip to the State of Freedom.
Let's choose to create a personal "road trip" journal that only we can read and write in each day. In it, we can jot down our thoughts about the experiences of that day and/or what we want to focus on, such as any road signs, songs, stories, etc; that we discovered along the way, which touched us or that we may want to remember.
Each day, we will encounter and experience new opportunities of Hope and Truth. This journaling will help us remember the best parts of our trip and what we really want to remember for later and ask our self ... How can we apply what we have learned that day to OUR life right now.
You can create one at home. I encourage you to keep a private journal at home for those thoughts or feelings that you are not able to share with others but need to share with yourself and get it out of you so you can heal.
We will get some rest now and ponder on what we have learned about hope and begin our life changing road trip to incest survival tomorrow. We are here for each other. We're a team. And always have been.
Do you know who I am yet?
You will by the end of the journey.
Meet me here tomorrow and click on Day 1 of the Incest Victims Healing path below to begin our Incest Victims Healing road trip.
Please choose to be patient each day and take only one incest survival step at a time for the Incest Victims healing journey to work properly.
Make sure you *bookmark* this Victims of Incest Counseling page as to continue our trip from day to day!
I will leave you with something to read which will help you build your hope as to be ready for this excellent adventure we are about to take.
Click on the link below:
Incest victims healing is possible for the victims of incest who choose to hope!
If you have any questions, comments or just want to share thoughts, just email us at: Christianity Oasis
Are you seeking true incest victims healing?
Copyright © 2000-2025 All rights reserved.

Living Water at Christianity Oasis
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

Learn how the Christianity Oasis Ministry was created by the Hand of the Lord. A true story of unconditional Love, Mercy and God's glorious Grace.
Victims of Incest Survival Resources
CPTSD Foundation ... Incest: The Secret No One Should Keep - Because incestuous sexual abuse is so heinous, the adults who perpetrate the trauma always use secrecy to hide their crimes.
Enough Abuse ... Every individual is unique; if working with a particular therapist or peer-support group doesn’t seem to be helping, don’t be discouraged. It may simply be that that particular resource is not a good fit for you. Reach out and explore other supports.
Incest AWARE ... Incest Survivors Support - Incest survivors can find support for their sexual abuse symptoms through the Incest AWARE Alliance and other organizations passionate about recovery.
Lee Reinecke ... According to a blog published by Survivors of Incest Anonymous, sexual contact between a child and an older sibling, or between a child and a trusted adult scars virtually all facets of victims’ lives.
Online MSW Programs ... On this website you will be able to research all different types of online MSW programs, including some of the best online CSWE accredited MSW programs, find regional or local MSW programs in your state that are online, and learn about all of the different areas, concentrations, and specialty tracks for MSW degrees online.
RAAIN ... The Effects of Sexual Abuse by a Family Member ... Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network - Sexual abuse by a family member, otherwise known as incest, can have lasting effects on a child's development and sense of safety.
Social Work Today Magazine ... Sibling Sexual Abuse — Uncovering the Secret - Many children do not see themselves as victims of sibling incest, and many families and professionals fail to recognize the abuse.
Survivors of Incest Anonymous ... The only requirement for membership is that you are a victim of child sexual abuse, and you want to recover. There are no dues or fees in our meetings.
The Spirit of Truth ... This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share. Get to know the Holy Spirit for genuine victims of incest counseling.
After you finish the Incest Victims program providing victims of incest counseling to establish incest survival skills, you can also check out some of the other Christian entertainment, games, music, books, mall, studies and programs within our Christian community below: