Self Harm Awareness
Self Injury Behavior
Christianity Oasis provides this Preventing Self Harm Awareness site Self Injury Addiction and Self Injury Behavior. This program brings forth truth, understanding and peace within.
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Self Injury Addiction And Self Injury Behavior
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Preventing Self Harm Awareness site Self Injury Addiction and Self Injury Behavior message will truly bring a smile to the lips and heart and shine the LIGHT of Truth upon your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk path.
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Preventing Self Harm Awareness Journey
Self Injury Addiction and Self Injury Behavior Counseling
Let healing begin with hope!
Only those who are involved in Self Harm know what it is like to cause Self Harm. These Self Harm victims are oft times left in a darkness that negatively affects their lives and the lives of those close to them. Is there a healing path for Self Harm?
Self Harm ... I suppose most people that hear these words think that those who harm themselves must be clinically insane or possessed.
But, we are not you know.
We are just like everyone else, trying to cope with things which confront us in our lives which overwhelm us.
We are just not as good at dealing with our emotions and coping with our problems as others may believe themselves to be, just because they choose some other method of dealing with issues which confront them.
Most of us feel so very alone when we struggle with something. Most of us feel that no one really could or would ever understand what we are going through.
When people don't see that we are hurting, it makes us want to isolate ourselves even more or scream even louder.
When people do see that we are hurting and don't try to help because they either don't care or they don't know how ... Sometimes makes us feel even worse. Almost like we are too broken to fix or just a burden on the people around us.
Sometimes, we believe we are the only ones who feel this way.
But we are not.
Many have become victims of the same trap of the mind which can become an addiction.
Though you may feel alone, condemned by people that don't understand, shunned by people that don't approve of you or your actions, and hurt by the people who you love the most ...
You do not have to be alone anymore.
Preventing Self Harm Awareness Adventure
Self Injury Addiction and Self Injury Behavior Healing
I too know those feelings very well. I too know what it's like to not know how to cope with things. I too experimented in self harm to try to deal with things (or avoid dealing with things) and never saw it taking over my life as it had.
I'll share part of my story so you can get a sense of where I am coming from and realize that I'm not "all talk." I'm not a "holier than thou" saint who wants to condemn you and remind you of all the wrong you have done or think you have done.
I am no different than you. At all. I have been where you are (with the struggles of self harm) and have found the way out and I want to show you the way to freedom.
When I found my way out, I found out how to start my life. I found out how to slowly move on from my past ... How to slowly fight the urges of cutting and other self harm techniques.
That's the only difference between us. I found the way out ... And I'm here ... With my hand out and open. If you want my help.
Scared?? Of course you're scared. I was too, but I promise you that you aren't in this alone.
Stop and think about it for a minute ... What can be worse than where you are right now? Right now death is probably looking a lot better in your mind than having to face another day. So instead of facing the wall ... Turn around and start heading the opposite direction. Because once we start heading that way together, we will slowly begin to see that light at the far end of the tunnel.
Preventing Self Harm Awareness Truth
Self Injury Addiction and Self Injury Behavior Cure
We are in pretty deep. But, our past does not determine our future. Our past does not make us who we are. Our past ... Is our past. That is it.
So, when you are ready ... Take my hand, hold on tight and lets start walking the other way ... And see what we find. Obviously the way we are headed right now is a dead end. Choose to turn around with me.
I'm sharing all of this with you to let you know that I do know how hard it is to live in the shadows. You aren't alone in this battle. It doesn't matter what type of self harm you have chosen as an escape.
This Self Harm Awareness journey you are about to embark upon is not only for those struggling with self harm and self injury addiction and want to find a way out, but for those that know someone who is struggling with it. Hopefully this Preventing Self Harm adventure will help open those eyes and hearts that don't understand, but want to understand.
This Self Harm Bible path is not a quick fix ... But rather a starting place.
Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life
There may still be bad days, but soon, with hope and effort and realizing you don't have to battle this alone, there will be more good days than bad days. Then ... Slowly the bad days will become less and less.
Let me walk with you.
Let me fight with you.
Let me show you the hope that I found and choose to keep daily.
There may be times that you fall back into the temptations ... Just like I did. Temptations from people being upset at you, not noticing you, not wanting to be around you, looking down on you.
Temptations from feeling alone, living in fear, feeling dirty and ashamed of mistakes you've made and the need to punish yourself.
Temptations coming from feeling like you don't have control of your life. Temptations from believing the lie that you will never get better and you're stuck with this for the rest of your life.
Preventing Self Harm Awareness Quest
Self Injury Addiction and Self Injury Behavior Blessing
Temptations from believing the lies that you are a burden to everyone around you and cause so much grief to everyone in your life.
Temptations from always messing up, always making mistakes, always choosing the wrong path (whether it be on purpose of not). Temptations from just wanting someone to ask you if you are okay or what's wrong.
You'll discover ways to get back up, and keep going.
Ode to Those Who Are Considering
Self Harm for the First Time
Before you choose to make such a poor choice that will encage your soul ...
I challenge you to talk with anyone who suffers from self harm.
Anyone who struggles with not only the anguish and shame that they live with every day of their life, but also the fear that they hold knowing that the next time they do it, could be their last.
Not because they chose for it to be their last ... But rather because they accidentally cut too deep and couldn't stop the bleeding, drank too much and drove a vehicle killing themselves and/or other innocent souls, took one too many pills and overdosed having their family or friends discover their corpse.
Dying is not want they wanted ... All they wanted was an escape.
But, that is not what occurs in many cases.
What if you had that one person who would really listen and really help? That one person who actually understood? Would you be willing to talk with them before you attempted diving into the regret and secret shame of self injury addiction?
If you are simply looking for just another way to cope ... Instead of trying self harm keep walking with me. You do not have to have already attempted self harm for this path of healing to work.
It works for anyone who needs to heal.
Preventing Self Harm Awareness Son-derland
Self Injury Addiction and Self Injury Behavior Trip
This is a 7 day Self Harm Bible program with Self Harm Bible healing.
Read this Self Harm Bible program however fast or slow as you like. Read this Self Harm Bible program as many times as you want. You may relate to some things within this Self Harm Bible more than others.
I hope you do choose to look within this Self Harm Bible Truth and discover what it is that I have to share because in the end, you will find this Self Harm Bible path to be the path to healing.
Make sure you *bookmark* this page as to continue our program from day to day. Just click on Day 1 when you are ready to begin. See you there!
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John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said,
out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

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Preventing Self Harm Awareness Resources
CHOC ... Teen & Child Self-Harm Prevention - Mental Health Services - Understand self-harm in kids and teens, including types, signs, prevention and treatment. Learn more from the mental health experts at CHOC.
Crisis Text Line ... FREE Help for Self-Harm - You don't have to hurt. There is help for self-harm. Text CONNECT for FREE, 24/7 crisis counseling and healthy coping mechanisms.
Family Lives ... Self harming - Although cutting is the most common form of self- harm, other methods include head banging, hair pulling, burning and scalding, biting, scratching, stabbing, ...
First Light Recovery ... Identifying Self-Harm Triggers and Treatment - Self-harm refers to deliberately harming your body to cope with emotional distress. Learn how to identify triggers and find treatment.
Go Guardian ... The factors leading to self-harm and suicide among children are complex. That's why we're committed to working with psychologists, researchers, and other experts to build solutions that work. ... Many know helplines are a valuable resource for Americans, but calling and being vulnerable with a stranger can be difficult – even more so when you’re not sure if you’ll get the help you need in your moment of crisis. created a resource to help potential callers know what to expect, such as: Helpline options and how to choose - What to expect when calling a helpline - Common concerns that keep people from calling - When to seek other mental health resources.
Holy Spirit ... Preventing Self Harm - This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share. Get to know the Holy Spirit to find the hope your soul seeks. Make self injury addiction and self injury behavior a thing of the past.
Life Love and God ... How Do I Stop Cutting? You're right, the addiction side of any secret sin is hard to beat—sins like cutting, sexual addiction, substance abuse, eating disorders, etc. ... What Does the Bible Say About Self Injury Cutting? Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.
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