Biblical Genealogy

Bible Genealogy Timeline

Christianity Oasis has provided this Biblical Genealogy study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline Tree. We'll look into the Bible genealogy as well as the entire Bible. This study reveals truth as to bring forth understanding and peace within.

Daily Bread Devotional Bible Study
The First Book of the Chronicles
Chapter 1 - 29

Biblical Genealogy

Bible Genealogy Timeline Tree

Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Daily Bread study program. This is our Biblical Genealogy study looking into the Bible Genealogy Timeline Tree and how it affects your be-YOU-tiful Christian walk.

Biblical Genealogy Study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline of the Bible Genealogy Tree From the First Book of Chronicles

It is always nice to have you back with us at Daily Bread! The Books of First and Second Chronicles basically cover the same period of Jewish history described in Second Samuel through Second Kings and are a Bible Genealogy Tree timeline of sorts.

The Books of the Chronicles were originally one continuous writing, but then was divided into two parts in the third century B.C. At that time it was named Paraleipmenon, which means, "Of Things Omitted," referring to the things omitted from Samuel and Kings. You may have noticed that in several places in the Books of Kings ... More than thirty times, you'll find this in the Biblical Genealogy:

Now the rest of the acts of [a certain king's name here], and all that he did, are they not written in the Book of the Chronicles of the kings of Judah [or Israel]?

Well, actually, these aren't those chronicles. Those chronicles however were public records of the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline that obviously contained much more historical information than is provided in the books of Chronicles that are in your Bible, since they contained the "all that he did" events of each king that aren't in our Chronicles.

The Biblical Genealogy Study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline of the Bible Genealogy Tree Facts and Figures

The chronicles of the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline that were spoken of in the Books of Kings may have been what a king's scribe or recorder wrote in an official day to day journal to preserve the history of their nation. It's probably a good bet that those chronicles were destroyed when Jerusalem was burned during the captivity of Israel. So who wrote these chronicles that are in our Bible? A good clue might be to look at the last two verses of 2 Chronicles and the first two verses of The Book of Ezra.

Which are identical. The Book of Nehemiah is also a continuation of the history of Israel and continues the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline when they returned from captivity in Babylon ... So with that information, you may decide for yourself who the actual author(s) might be. You can be sure that Bible scholars throughout history have given their opinions on who wrote what, and when, and what happened to the original writings of such and such, and so and so, but Paul taught us:

2 Corinthians 3:5-6

5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;
6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.

... Also ...

2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness ...

Biblical Genealogy Study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline of the Bible Genealogy Tree Seeking Truth

So, it really matters not, who wrote what ... Though it was written by men, it's all divinely inspired.

Now, as we just learned, the Chronicles of the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline that we will be studying are "things omitted" from the books of Samuel and Kings. So Daily Bread has already done the leg work for you and matched up the stories from Chronicles with the stories from Samuel and Kings and combined the information for you, just like we combined our studies of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the Daily Bread Gospels.

The first ten chapters of 1 Chronicles contains the genealogy of Israel from several generations after the return from their captivity in Babylon, all the way back to the beginning. Although this "family tree" includes many "branches" of the children of Israel, one may conclude that one of the purposes of this diligent Bible Genealogy Tree timeline record was to show the ancestry of Jesus all the way back to Adam. If you'd like to read the direct bloodline of Jesus by generation, you can find it in both Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38. We're also told within this genealogy, who were the founders of some of the different cities of Israel as well as who were valiant men and the trades of certain others.

Let's look at some Bible Genealogy Tree timeline information that we're provided in these first ten chapters of the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline which have no association with any particular chapter in the books of Samuel or Kings, so to include them in any of those stories would be inappropriate.

Biblical Genealogy Study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline of the Bible Genealogy Tree of the Origins

Chapter 3

As you read through the genealogy in 1 Chronicles, you may also find that some of the names are different than what we've read in previous books, for example, we already learned about the different accounts of the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline of David's sons in 2 Samuel 3:2-5 and 2 Samuel 5:14-16 as compared to 1 Chronicles 3:1-9.

Chapter 4

In Chapter 4, there is a brief story of Jabez and his humble prayer to the Lord concerning his life.

1 Chronicles 4:10

And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.

Biblical Genealogy Study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline of the Bible Genealogy Tree Characters and Events

This is a good lesson in prayer. What is it that made this prayer so special? Was it that Jabez was incredibly sincere? Was it that he was praying for things that were all God's will? How do we know what God's will is for us, so that we can pray for it? Are our prayers too selfish? God wants you to ask Him for things. Take a close look at Jabez's prayer. Bless me, give me, help me, protect me ... It may sound selfish to some, but add these words to the end of each request ... "so that I may do your will, Father."

Prayer is an awesome gift that the Lord has given us. Have you ever thought of prayer as a gift? At any moment of any day, you can ask God to give you audience to hear a request for something you want. You can't talk to the President at any given moment, or the Governor or the Mayor or your attorney or even your aunt for that matter.

But God is on call for you 24/7, is that Love, or what? Ponder on your prayer practices and think about why you pray for the things you pray for. You know, prayer is such an expansive topic and one that deserves your consideration, so you may want to check out this study and learn more about it:

Biblical Genealogy Study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline of the Bible Genealogy Tree Names and Numbers

Chapter 5 - 7

In Chapter 5, of this Bible Genealogy Tree timeline we're briefly informed about a war that was waged by the tribes of Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh against the Hagarites, which were of the descendants of Ishmael. After God helped the children of these tribes to win this war, they forsook the Lord and worshiped the gods of the people that the Lord destroyed for them, so God allowed them to be taken captive by Assyria.

Chapter 6 lists the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline of the Levite priests up until the captivity.

Chapter 8

In this chapter of the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline, you'll notice that Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan is called Meribbaal.

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 tells the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline names of the children of Israel that returned from the captivity in Babylon and repossessed the land.

Chapter 10

Parallel Chapter - 1 Samuel, Chapter 31

Chapter 11

Parallel Chapters - 2 Samuel, Chapter 5 & 2 Samuel, Chapter 23

Chapter 12

Parallel Chapters - 1 Samuel, Chapter 27 & 2 Samuel, Chapter 5

Chapter 13

Parallel Chapter - 2 Samuel, Chapter 6

Chapter 14

Parallel Chapter - 2 Samuel, Chapter 5

Chapter 15

Parallel Chapter - 2 Samuel, Chapter 6

Chapter 16

Parallel Chapter - 2 Samuel, Chapter 6

Chapter 17

Parallel Chapter - 2 Samuel, Chapter 7

Chapter 18

Parallel Chapter - 2 Samuel, Chapter 8

Chapter 19

Parallel Chapter - 2 Samuel, Chapter 10

Chapter 20

Parallel Chapters - 2 Samuel, Chapter 12 & 2 Samuel, Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Parallel Chapter - 2 Samuel, Chapter 24

Chapter 22

Included in - 2 Samuel, Chapter 24

Biblical Genealogy Study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline of the Bible Genealogy Tree Lineage to the Future

Chapter 23 - 26

These four chapters of Bible Genealogy Tree timeline tell about the services of the Levites toward the end of David's reign. You'll find a record of their Bible Genealogy Tree timeline as well as descriptions of their duties. Basically, they were priests, musicians, doorkeepers, administrators of the treasures of the house of the Lord, officers and judges.

Chapter 27

In this chapter you'll find an account of the Bible Genealogy Tree timeline of the military of Israel, including the twelve groups of soldiers and the names of their captains which served the king ... One group for each separate month of the year. Also listed are a Bible Genealogy Tree timeline of the princes of the tribes of Israel as well as the kings counselors, companions, and officers of the court and general of the army.

Chapter 28

Included in - 2 Samuel, Chapter 24

Chapter 29

Included in - 2 Samuel, Chapter 24

Biblical Genealogy Study on the Bible Genealogy Timeline of the Bible Genealogy Tree Summary Conclusion

Congratulations! You've just completed the study of The First Book of the Chronicles Bible Genealogy Tree timeline! As we learned at the beginning of this Bible Genealogy Tree timeline book, it was thought to contain things that were omitted from the four books preceding it in the Bible. There are an awful lot of Bible Genealogy Tree timeline names that were omitted from those books, but not too much other stuff ... Perhaps we'll find that The Second Book of the Chronicles has more. Can't wait to discover it together next time, right here at Daily Bread! See you again soon.

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