Christian Bride
Who is the Bride of Christ
Christianity Oasis provides this Bible study on the Jesus Bride. Who is the Bride of Christ Bible study on the mysterious Christian Bride.
The Virtuous Woman
Step 28
Welcome to our Virtuous Woman virtual voyage for those seeking to become a victorious virtuous woman. We have a SON-derful collection of thought provoking and life changing Christian studies which we have created especially for Christians and potential Christians to encourage and enLIGHTen the mind and soul as well as bring a smile to the lips and heart.
This specific excellent expedition is the Bride of Christ Bible study on the Biblical Christian Bride taking an in-depth look into the meaning of the Jesus Bride prophecy. Who is the Bride of Christ and how does the Bride of Christ prophecy affect modern day Christians?
The absolutely awe inspiring truth within our insightful and deLIGHTful Bride of Christ Bible study will bring forth the LIGHT of Truth upon your path as to make you aware of the lurking lures and possible pitfalls which many Christians encounter as they sojourn along the Christian walk in these CON-cerning and chaotic times.
Welcome back!
Christian Bride AKA Jesus Bride
Who is the Bride of Christ Bible Study
Congratulations to you!!! If you've followed the entire Virtuous Woman program, you've just introduced a lot of truth to your mind and eliminated a lot of lies that the world had planted there. There are a lot of things in our lives that we don't realize are wrong until something or someone points out the truth.
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Now that you have begun to uncover the truth, your Father expects you to act on it. Put these principles of virtue to work in your life. Make them a part of your lifestyle each and every day. Make them who you are. Encourage others to do the same.
The Christian Bride is the Jesus Bride
Who is the Bride of Christ Bible Secret
Proverbs 13:20
Proverbs 15:7
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Proverbs 15:7
The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.
There is only One who is truly the Judge of whether or not you are virtuous.
I urge you to get involved in the Women's Forums and share your ideas with other women who may need your insight and/or support. One thing to keep in mind is that virtue doesn't necessarily improve with age, in fact, we've been working all this time on getting back to the little girl in you because virtue is in innocence, not in experience, so don't be intimidated by someone just because they're older than you. You may find that you can teach them a thing or two. It's not all about being a woman of today ...
It's about being an old fashioned woman ...
Getting back to wholesomeness and righteousness ... And virtue!
The Christian Bride Manual
Who is the Bride of Christ Bible Prophecy
Somewhere in Between?
The opposite of virtue is evil. You'll find that most women find it too difficult or inconvenient or boring to strive for virtue in all aspects of their life, but you wouldn't exactly call them evil either. Most women are somewhere in between. It's where they have decided their comfort zone is, probably because it takes the least effort and is most accepted by the world. You deserve so much better than to be like the average "Today's Woman." They're a dime a dozen. There is nothing special about them ... In the Lord's eyes.
Do you suppose the Lord is looking for a bride that will only shoot for being adequate or do you think He's seeking those who seek Him, those who are diligent, who are earnest, who strive, who yearn to be the best for Him? Don't settle for being average. You've got everything it takes to be extraordinary. Go for it. Give yourself pep talks. Reward yourself when you know you've accomplished something good. Don't give up. I'm cheering for you all the way!
The Christian Bride Reward
Who is the Bride of Christ Bible Traits
You will be an example to so many people of what living virtuously can do for a person's life. You will find that the Lord will bless you in ways you hadn't been blessed before when you put Him first in your life and live the kind of life that represents Him.
If you discovered a recipe for the best chicken you ever tasted and you knew that you had all the ingredients to make it at any given time, you wouldn't go back to making it your old way. Likewise, when you discover how being virtuous can improve your life and your hope of eternal life, you'll never want to return to worldly ways again. Share it with the world ... You can make it a better place as you are the Bride of Jesus.
The Christian Bride is YOU
Who is the Bride of Christ Bible Answer
Don't forget, the recipe you're preparing is for the perfect bride of Jesus Christ, and you have every ingredient you need.
You Are to Be the Spiritual Bride of Jesus
Here is the truth about the Christian Bride of Jesus:
Earthly marriages are not carried over in Heaven. You become as the Angels and serve Him and that is the Spiritual Marriage:
Mark 12:24-25
24 And Jesus answering said unto them,
Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither
the power of God?
25 For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither
marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the Angels which are in
The Christian Bride / Jesus Bride Summary
Who is the Bride of Christ Bible Study Conclusion
I'd also like to remind you once again, now that you've completed the program, to begin again, one Step each day, as many times as it takes, until your virtues become effortless. And just like any good recipe you discover ... Pass it on to someone you love.
Bride of Christ Bible Study Point of Interest... Finally, it seems fitting that you should get to know Jesus Christ, your betrothed, better, so the Bride of Jesus related studies below will help you to do just that.
I especially encourage you to take the path called the C-O-O-L Confidential Christian Counseling program, even though you may not have any problems that you think require counseling. It's a fantastic program that has changed thousands of peoples' lives.
Be sure to check out our other interactive programs too, which will help you in your cause of becoming a Virtuous Christian Woman.
Thank you, Christian Bride, for giving me the opportunity to serve my Lord by presenting this program to you, and I hope you enjoy the rewards of finding that little child of God inside of you.
God Bless and keep you in His loving Grace and care forever.
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out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

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The Christian Bride - Jesus Bride Sites
Who is the Bride of Christ Bible Study Resources
A Virtuous Woman ... Proverbs 31 Bible Study | The Bride of Christ - Here is Lesson 1 of our Proverbs 31 Bible Study. Today we're looking at what it means to be a virtuous woman and the bride of Christ.
Bible Study Tools ... Who Is the Bride of Christ? Based on this passage, we see two main characteristics of the Church as the Bride of Christ: she is beloved and beautiful. ... The Church Is the Bride of Christ - What Does that Mean? The Bride of Christ is a prominent symbol and metaphor used in Scripture to describe God's relationship with his beloved bride, the church. Portrayed as the bridegroom in this relationship, God reveals Himself to be faithful, loving, and committed to a covenant union with his church, comprised of all who believe in Jesus Christ and have accepted His atoning grace and gift of salvation.
Amazing Facts ... The Bible says there is but one body, or church, into which Jesus calls His end-time people—the bride of Christ.
Holy Spirit ... Who is the Bride of Christ?. Christians are! This is one of the most awesome gifts you will ever receive or share. Get to know the Holy Spirit because He is a gift given by the Lord. The Christian Bride aka Jesus Bride is Christians marriage to Jesus.
Jesus Plus Nothing ... The Counterpart - The Bride of Christ, the Second Eve - Bible Study Series: The Beginning and the End - Genesis and Revelation. The fact that the Lord Jesus would take a bride, and largely from the Gentile world, is also pictured in other types in Genesis and the early books of the Bible.
Life, Hope & Truth ... Who Is the Bride of Christ? The Bible speaks of a marriage between Jesus Christ and His Bride. Jesus never married while on the earth, but the time will come at His return when He will marry His Bride. Just who is she?
She Reads Truth ... The Bride of Christ - Scripture illustrates the relationship between Christ and His Church through the imagery of a wedding. As the bridegroom, Christ loves, provides for and sacrifices Himself for His bride, who responds to His love in preparation and submission.
After you finish the Who is the Bride of Christ Bible study exploration digging into the Christian Bride meaning as to discover who is to be the Jesus Bride, you can also check out some of the other Christian entertainment, games, music, books, mall, studies and programs within our Christian community below: