Vanity Bible Verses
Vanity in the Bible
Christianity Oasis provides this Vanity Bible quest into woman vanity in the Bible in particular the Favour is Deceitful and Beauty is Vain Bible warning to emit your inner beauty. We'll look into that and how to become and remain a virtuous woman.
The Virtuous Woman
Step 22
Welcome to our Christianity Oasis Virtuous Woman Bible study exploration bestowing upon you many deLIGHTful and thought provoking Christian Walk studies which were strategically designed to uplift the spirit and increase the faith while bringing a smile to the lips and heart.
This is our Beauty is vain and favour is deceitful Bible verse journey taking an in-depth look into the Scripture which lovingly indicates that true inner beauty should be our focus. But why? The absolutely awe inspiring message within this Vanity Bible verse study will bring genuine and timeless true inner beauty to your soul.
Welcome back!
Vanity Bible Verses Woe
Woman Vanity in the Bible Concern
So nice to have you here with me once again today. Let's begin our Vanity Bible virtuous voyage. What is it that makes a woman beautiful? That's what we're going to be talking about in this True Inner Beauty Step. Did you know that so many women in today's world won't even be seen without their make up, but once they have it on, they're as proud as a peacock of their beauty? Oh, yes, they'll fan out their feathers and strut around like nobody's business as long as they've changed their appearance from God's image to whatever they think looks better. Honestly.
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the Lord is the only beholder that we should be concerned about, why do so many women feel like they need to enhance their physical beauty by changing or altering what He created? The answer is because society has taught that if you're not beautiful in the world's eyes and changing trends, you're not acceptable. In trying to make a beautiful outward appearance, many have compromised the true inner beauty in their minds and hearts. Look at these vanity Bible verse passages:
Proverbs 11:22
1 Samuel 16:7
As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.
1 Samuel 16:7
... for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.
Vanity Bible Verses Truth
Woman Vanity in the Bible Fear
What if for every minute you've ever spent putting on foundation, mascara, lipstick, fingernail polish, eyeliner, etc., etc., etc., you instead spent a minute reading the Word of God, or just spent time with Him? Which one would your betrothed think made you more beautiful? Do any beauty products really represent who you are in your heart? Do you think people would treat you differently if you didn't wear make up? Shame on them and hooray for God! He would only treat you better.
I realize we've discussed this true inner beauty matter (though it may have been in different context) already, but as usual, there's more to be said. Women spend so much time, money, effort and thought on their appearance and they really believe it's their identity.
Now, I have something very interesting for you to think about for a moment. You'd probably agree that one of the most beautiful things to behold is an infant baby (one younger than 12 months old). Ahhhhh ... God's creation at it's most innocent time. But what is it that you think is beautiful about babies? Is it their physical appearance? Heaven's no!
Did you know that a baby's head is ¼ the length of it's body (no wonder they can't walk)! If your head was ¼ the length of your body, that would be 16½ inches for a woman 5½ feet tall! What a beauty you'd be! Babies generally have hardly any hair, they have no teeth, most of the time they wear a fragrance called "essence of baby vomit," and they're usually so fat that it looks like they have rubber bands on their wrists and other joints ... So where's the beauty again? But didn't you agree that an infant is one of the most beautiful things to behold?!
The thing that makes a baby so extraordinarily beautiful is that they are unaltered. They are God's creation with no human editing. Their true inner beauty includes their pureness of spirit ... Their innocence ... It's their fragility, their helplessness, the fact that for every single thing that is necessary to maintain life, except for breathing, a baby must depend on someone else. Wow! I think that what you think is beautiful about babies, is everything that the world teaches you that you should not be!
Outer Vanity Bible Verses
Woman Vanity in the Bible Pitfall
Okay, what about animals? What would you think if Fifi got up 30 minutes early before going out for her morning newspaper retrieval to put on her mascara and rouge and eye shadow and lipstick because she would be just humiliated if Fido next door saw her without it? Surely you know some people who actually do put ribbons in their dog's hair and paint their toenails, and you know it looks utterly ridiculous! Now, how do you think it looks to God when His naturally beautiful daughters clown up their faces with paints and plasters? He may want to laugh ... And cry, both at the same time.
Your spirit is what identifies you, not what your fleshly being looks like. Your heart, your true inner beauty is what the Lord judges. What are you saying to God when you put on make up because other people judge you by appearance? Is it that other peoples' opinions are more important to you than God's? You know, some people like abstract art, and other people, no matter how much they observe it, can't see the beauty in it. You're not the painter, God is.
You are His painting, yet you're picking up your brush and changing the picture that God made of you, to suit your own will instead of His. Would you be insulted if you created something and it changed itself because it wasn't satisfied with what you did? I'm sure you may have thought of some comments about how you may not care if improvement could be made, etc., but you're forgetting one thing ... God made you in His image! You can't improve on that!
Give it some careful thought.
Another thing you may want to reflect on is how much money you spend on perfumes, nail polishes, make up, baubles and beads and jewels and such. That probably started when you were a teenager, as that's when the world really puts the pressure on about a girl's appearance. How often have you spent more on make up than on something for your betrothed? Just something to ponder on.
Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain ... They are worthless. Physical appearance has no worth in the Lord's eyes. Why does it mean so much to humans ... Women especially? It deserves some honest contemplation.
Mirror Mirror on the Wall
... And on the vanity and in your desk and in your purse and on the visor in your car ... My, oh my oh my, beauty is vain, isn't it? How many times do you look at yourself in a day? Do you ever see the image of God, your true inner beauty in those mirrors? Do you still think you need all those mirrors, or just the mirror to your soul?
Vanity Bible Verses Hope
Woman Vanity in the Bible Blessing
Don't be too hard on yourself, now. Realize the Truth, repent and confess if the shoe fits, then accept God's Grace, and press on.
Now, the entire Vanity Bible verse 30:
Fear of the Lord and faith in Jesus Christ are the utensils you will need to insure the success of your recipe to becoming a virtuous woman. Remember, fear of the Lord doesn't mean you should be terrified of Him, it means that you have the utmost respect for Him ... It means you have reverence for Him. It means that you put your life in His hands. A woman that fears the Lord, glorifies Him every chance that she can. By glorifying Him, you're declaring your faith in Him.
John 3:16
Romans 10:9
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
Beauty Vanity Bible Verses
Virtuous Woman Vanity in the Bible
With the ingredients and the utensils you now have, you will want to surrender your life to Jesus, and each and every day, walk dependent upon the Holy Spirit to guide you. Know that He will, with childlike trust.
Psalms 147:11
Proverbs 19:23
1 Timothy 6:12
The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear Him, in those that hope in His mercy.
Proverbs 19:23
The fear of the LORD tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied; he shall not be visited with evil.
1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called ...
Vanity Bible Verse Study Tips ... Surround yourself with things that remind you of God and your new walk with Him. When you first wake up, say "Good Morning" to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Hide and watch. The times that you remember to do this, does your day go better? Put something on your nightstand, or on your bathroom mirror that will remind you that He is waiting for you to talk to Him.
Attach a Post-It® note to your kitchen cabinet, above your washing machine, on the refrigerator, or anywhere and everywhere to remind you to greet Him throughout the day. Write a reminder in permanent marker on the top of your coffee machine if making coffee is what you do first thing every morning. Add another to your mirror that says, "God sees only my true inner beauty."
Origin of Vanity Bible Verses
Woman Vanity in the Bible Outcome
So, why else should you surround yourself with things that remind you of God? Because you become as what you surround yourself with. Your eyes are the portal to the soul, so wouldn't it be a good idea to influence your soul with holy things? We are greatly influenced by what our eyes are exposed to.
Here is a Biblical example. Jacob influenced his father-in-law Laban's flocks to bear striped, speckled, and spotted offspring by facing the animals toward tree branches that he peeled in striped, speckled and spotted patterns (Genesis 30:37-39).
If you want to be conformed to the image of God, surround yourself with Godly things and experience true inner beauty. It doesn't go with your décor? God will redecorate your entire life when you choose Him first.
True Inner Beauty Notes
It's a sad thing that people, for various reasons, fall out of love with their soul-mate. Don't let that happen between you and God. Don't ever stop writing Him notes of your love for Him, or saying Good Morning or Good Night to Him, or doing special things, going out of your way, just because you love Him so much. We were just talking about notes ... Well, what if you got a little yellow Post-It® note from ... God!
No, really, if you got a little note from the earthly love of your life you would cherish it and probably keep it in a special little box with other things he gave you, and probably whatever he wrote on it would become a special private thing spoken just between the two of you.
As you know, the Proverb that we have been studying is a prophecy that was told to king Lemuel by his mother. A prophecy is a message from God. Consider this prophecy a Post-It® note, written by your first love ... God! Always Be Aware of His Presence
Vanity Bible Verses Cure
Woman Vanity in the Bible Summary
If your child woke up and didn't say good morning to you, you'd be hurt. Want to possess genuine Christian Beauty? Don't ignore God ... You are His child. When you look at a crucifix, do you imagine what it would be like to be standing in front of Him while He hung there with His life ebbing away ... For you.
Or are you immune to the emotion of it because you've seen it so many times? It wasn't just a story in a book that you won't remember tomorrow, or a movie that you can soon forget when you leave the theater or turn off the television. The pain He suffered was real. And it was for love. He put you first in His life and gave up His. Think of how many times you have missed a blessing that you may have gotten, if you had only put Him first in your life.
Psalms 5:3
Psalms 143:8
My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.
Psalms 143:8
Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.
"Feareth" ... Has reverence for ... Respects ... Worships. Remember that the Holy Spirit isn't only there when you want to talk to Him, He's always there, waiting, and hoping, and blessing, and guiding, and calling, and loving you. When we think it seems like He's not there, it's not because He left, it's because we have.
Beauty is vain but true inner beauty ... Is BE-YOU-tiful
His arms are always open wide when we realize we've lost our way again, so always remember to reflect on God's Grace and thank Him, each and every day.
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Vanity Bible Verses Sites
Woman Vanity in the Bible Resources
Answers in Genesis ... Biblical Beauty and the Culture Beast - Biblical Beauty is Ageless - Humans should know that their worth is so much more than what they look like and how old they are, but it's difficult not to cave to outward pressures, especially considering that humans are not God and therefore have no visual access to each other's heart.
Bible Reasons ... 40 Beautiful Bible Verses About Women's Beauty (Godly) Bible Verses About Women's Beauty 1. Song of Solomon 4:7 "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you."
Bible Study Tools ... 20 Top Bible Verses about Beauty - Inspiring Scripture! Proverbs 31:30. 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Creative Home Keeper ... Traits of Biblical Beauty - In 1 Timothy 5:10, Paul is sharing wisdom about widows but in doing so, he is also describing what true, Biblical beauty in Christian women should look like by describing acts of self-service and sacrifice in terms of doing good works to show God's love to others.
Focus on the Family ... Scriptures About Beauty and Appearance - Reading scripture and Bible verses about beauty can help teach your child that true beauty comes from God and give them a healthy perspective on appearance.
Got Questions ... What does the Bible say about beauty? God looks upon the inner beauty, the beauty of one's heart. God never uses the origin or culture of a person as the criterion of beauty.
Holy Spirit ... Vanity Bible verse study secret - Get to know the Holy Spirit and allow Him to share with you the Spiritual essence of the favour is deceitful Bible verse and the meaning of true inner beauty. 1 Peter 3:3-4. "Your beauty should not come from outward adornments, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."
The Gospel Coalition ... In Christian Theology, Beauty Demands to Be Noticed - Historically, Christians have held that God reveals aesthetic truth and beauty through general revelation, including nature, culture, human reason, and good deeds. Most Christian theologians would hold that knowledge of God through general revelation is possible yet limited in scope, coherence, and depth. The effects of sin always subvert general revelation.
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